Franz Black – “No Worries”

 Franz Black – “No Worries”

Franz Black – “No Worries” – Single Review

What a perplexing & pleasant-sounding, gentle-natured & good-intentioned song from Franz Black. I’ve gotta admit…it really wasn’t what I was expecting after the opening notes of the piano started-up “No Worries,” his brand-new single. It was a real case of audio-shock…like I wasn’t quite sure what I was hearing at first…it was a tender & sweet shock…but the surprise-element was certainly there! I chose to continue along with the facts I had…I figured that the nearly 90000-listens to this track on Soundcloud couldn’t ALL be people that Franz knows…and of course, I let the song play out; many times actually – I’m sure he’s a little closer to that 90k mark after this very review here…

But let me explain before you begin to wonder if I’m about to bash on Mr. Black…I’m not. When I say perplexing…it’s more to do with the simple-nature of “No Worries” through the music and melody…and how Franz seems to constantly find a way to make the lyrics come out in a complex way. No kidding – it took some getting used to; all I knew at the very beginning in my first listens through was that Franz was in fact, completely on-time…but it’s like his own-time – it fits the music and the beat but it’s quite a unique style on piano alone. I’d liken it more to the folk-guitar player that tends to let the lyrics wander and ramble on one or two bars throughout the metering for a little extra style & added punch to the words…I think that Franz is doing something quite similar here. As I watched the lyrics coming one-line ahead of where he was in the verse, each time I found myself wondering as to which way he might take the melody and how he would make each line work individually as well as together with the rest of the words! And if you ask me…there’s something to be admired about that.

“No Worries” is a song full of sweet-intentions and beautiful-perspectives on the world. Franz sings gently overtop in the chorus in a very soothing and relaxed style that really bring out the comforting meaning behind the lyrics. It would be tough to say that anything from the easy-listening section or genres will have an easy time out there dominating the main-stream…but it’s not too far of a jump to get to Franz from bands & artists like Ben Folds, Elvis Costello, Tony Rich or even something like A Great Big World. Our emotions respond to piano…it’s just a biological fact – google that in your spare time. Franz uses the gentle melody like a gymnast uses a trampoline; on its own it probably won’t do too much, but when someone with the right amount of talent, skill & ability come along – things tend to spring to life. As he weaves through this sincere & heartfelt set of lyrics, he’s put a great amount of emphasis in all the right spots in his voice to communicate the true emotion and belief in the words he’s singing. The piano is well-played, sounds fantastic and really perfect as the song plays on; it’s minimal – but that also supports the lyrics in the ideas they present…you’ll hear it if you listen.

It’s the kind of pleasant I’d quickly cite as the very kind that if your instincts shake you to turn this down, or off…that it’s on you and not on Franz. He’s done a solid job on “No Worries” and created an inoffensive, sweet listening experience that is relatable, warm and comforting all the way through. Quirky & different enough through the vocals to also keep you guessing as its minimal backing-music plays gently in behind…I can see/hear that a lot of people out there would identify with Franz Black and what he’s singing about on “No Worries” and I think that feeling of comfort, unity, peace and acceptance put forth in his words is certainly full of sentiment & emotion the people can relate to.

Find out more from his official homepage at:

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