Youi – “Twins”

Youi – “Twins” – Single Review
Things are working out really well in these speakers this morning!
This is personality at work y’all. Youi puts style straight into the microphone with his performance on his single “Twins” and lights this cut up with wild bars and ideas you can’t take your ears off of. TONS going right here – not only do I think the man’s rap is strong, lyrically the dude’s crushin’ it too – his pace and metering are completely on-point – AND the dude’s reppin’ a Ben Simmons jersey from my second favorite basketball team too! What’s not to love here? Well…I’ll tell ya what’s not to love – it’s the fact that my favorite team was number one in the league last year and is nowhere to be found this season, sitting down in the dirt towards the bottom of the standings…but that’s another story for another time.
I think that Youi’s done a truly killer job on “Twins” – and I think the cleverness of this cut is immediately on display, right from the moment he clears his throat and on through into the way he spits the verses. He’s got an incredibly smooth flow through hyper-sexualized lyricism and great details – dude ain’t just rhyming, he’s really put the work into finding the perfect words & imagery to describe this wild tale. What’s genuinely remarkable about this single is just how minimalist it is at its core, yet how much is really going on through the vocals provided by Youi & how much this track really requires him to bring it. The jazzy melody of the music is straight-up perfection and the low-end bass comes through with the punch you want to set the party on your playlist off – and it all sounds great – but make no mistake, the majority of this entire melody, rhythm, and flow rests on the shoulders of this highly versatile emcee. Youi rises to this challenge big-time and the spotlight is on this guy from the moment he grabs the microphone and turns on the charm – the way he strolls through the vocals on this cut is beyond impressive really…dude sounds like he could do this all damn day, any day of the week, any time. So many times you’ll hear an artist that has a great set of bars going or song where 99% of the rhyme lines up right on the money, but there’s that extra syllable or a stretching of a word to fit the metering that makes for an awkward fit. And I’m tellin’ ya right now emcees out there – that’s what separates the pros from the cons if you know what I mean; Youi puts on such a confident, committed, & focused performance that you know he’s the real deal – ain’t nothin’ fake about a vibe like this. You can feel it, you know he’s feelin’ it – the man has star quality and there ain’t no doubt about it.
“Twins” speaks strongly on behalf of Youi’s wild charm & storytelling abilities, but also his highly relevant style for what’s happening out there in the right here & now of music. What I really love beyond all things about this track and what you’ll hear from Youi is…listen closely…you hear that? That’s the sound of natural talent right there is what that is. Very little if anything at all has been done to Youi’s vocals when it comes to the mix in terms of altering his sound with any kind of effects or enhancements – and again, considering just how much of the success of this single connecting with us rests on his shoulders alone, it’s a pretty damn bold move really to go so au naturale like he is. Bottom line though, is what he’s doing completely works, so good on the guy for taking a risk like that and rising to the occasion as strongly as he has. People will bump this track & rightly so, “Twins” is a wicked mix of bright melody and killer low-end that comes out with a seriously uplifting vibe, and the vibrant character of the artist at work on the mic shows a true love of the craft…and the ladies of course.
Certainly no complaints from me – Youi’s got a highly addictive & single-worthy cut on his hands here that’ll do a lot to establish his sound, style, and identity out there in the music-scene while also proving he’s got a level of creativity & courage that could very well lead him straight to the top of the charts.
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