Winchester 7 & The Runners – “Beneath The Moon And The Stars”

 Winchester 7 & The Runners – “Beneath The Moon And The Stars”

Winchester 7 & The Runners – “Beneath The Moon And The Stars” – Single Review

Ahhhh right on – these cool cats are back in action already?  I’m in!

It was just back in December of last year that Winchester 7 & The Runners ended up on my radar & my playlists over here via checking out their last record, the Argos Holiday EP, which made for a stellar introduction into what this crew is all about & the wild Indie/Alt-Rock vibes they’re pumping out into this world of ours.  Didn’t take all that much to get my attention here with this new single of theirs called “Beneath The Moon And The Stars” – I’d say it’s mighty safe to assume that Winchester 7 & The Runners & I all get down on similar vibes & the music we choose to listen to for sure.  Tons of ear-catching texture & tones to dig on in their latest cut – I liked it right away, and I continued to become more addicted to this single as I listened for sure.

Turn that treble up will ya guys?  I’m kidding – they’ve got this dialed right into where it all should be, and it sounds freakin’ fantastic.  For those of you unfamiliar, there’s an interesting combination of musicianship in this three-piece that does wonders to separate them from the majority of the rest, even if they’re baring a close resemblance to some sonically badass hybrid between Elvis and the Dandy Warhols on “Beneath The Moon And The Stars” – these guys rock with a ukulele as the go-to instrument as opposed to guitar.  Most of ya probably wouldn’t really notice when it comes right down to it – and you gotta give’em serious credit for that – I’d imagine just about everyone out there that is just listening and haven’t seen them live or read about them yet, would likely just assume that’s a guitar they hear.  Therein lies the real magic folks – Winchester 7 can ROCK a ukulele with the strength of how a guitar would typically carry a cut like this, but with the bonus addition of real revelatory sound that boasts extraordinary tones & frequencies as a result of this choice that makes all the difference in the world to us as listeners.  Ultimately, it’s a huge part of what makes them unique & sets them apart from the rest out there, even if what you’ll hear still ends up sounding much similar to the Indie-Rock vibes you know & love.  I suppose what I’m sayin’ is, while “Beneath The Moon And The Stars” might not totally recreate the wheel with its structure & songwriting – the means of which they get there are fairly unique to them and highly interesting to our ears…honestly, I just wanna turn this song right UP to the rafters whenever it comes on.  I have no problem whatsoever admitting just how addicted I am to this treble-up gem right here – the fuzzy distortion in this groove alone on that ukulele is worth the price of admission and then some if you ask me.  Love the energy in the instrumental solos & breakdowns surrounding the main verses & choruses – and I’m equally stoked on how they dial back that energy to reveal a ton of stylistic vibes, rhythm, and grooves in the main meat of the song.  Written with a Dandy Warhol’s like sound, sung with a really rad & versatile tone too – like I said, it’s like Courtney Taylor-Taylor meets Elvis in that regard, which is about as badass as badass can be if we’re being real about it here…it’s a mix of classic & cool that is enticing to the nth degree, and a perfect fit for a vibe like Winchester 7 & The Runners have got goin’ on throughout “Beneath The Moon And The Stars.”  Are YOU gonna be able to hang with them as they tick past the first minute or the three minute mark later on, and lay out some searing tones blasting loud & proud from the ukulele on ya?  Good lordy I sure hope so…that’s pretty much the sound I wanna wake up to each & every day of my life, and what I always start the next hoping to find all over again!  Bass from Phil Voorhees is rock solid, the drums from Jack Kane are right on-point – and with Winchester 7’s radiant uke leading the way, “Beneath The Moon And The Stars” actually goes on to accomplish something savagely special…which is doing something different of their own, on the inside of a blueprint to songwriting & Rock music that you’re all familiar with, know & love practically by heart.  Full proof that you don’t need to reinvent the whole genre, just tweak it with something that you can bring to it that others can’t, wouldn’t, or won’t – Winchester 7 & The Runners are thriving within their radiant & rad vibes on “Beneath The Moon And The Stars,” and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.  The get the maximum mileage out of this song, and that’s completely due to the way they play it and the undeniable level of pure sonic cool they bring to their music…it’s every bit as addictive as I claim it to be.  For those of you out there looking for a song they can sing along with, they’ve got you covered in that regard – and for those of you out there looking for more in the music you listen to in terms of character, charm, and charisma – they’ve got more than enough of all that to supply the entire scene, let alone the one band they share.  The best part is, they satisfy both worlds of music-fans with a brilliantly well balanced cut that gives ya the hooks you wanna hear & turn up, with the frequencies, tone, and technique that is certain to catch the attention of the real audiophiles out there just as much – a perfect hybrid between what you know & love, and the creative bliss of wildly expressive sound that knows no limits.  Stellar cut for sure – I’m diggin’ it Winchester 7 & The Runners; I’m feelin’ this vibe, yes indeed.

Find out more about Winchester 7 & The Runners at their official website at:

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