Will EsCargo – “Family Guy”

 Will EsCargo – “Family Guy”

Someone farted.”  Ok.  This is brilliant.

For all the bossed-up & gritty tone in his voice…all the bold & precise moves that rapper Will EsCargo brings to the m-i-c with such resounding authority…all the hot bars he’s spittin’ with such audible skill & conviction…well…you’d honestly be surprised at just how much shit he’s about to take from his Grandma!  This woman brings the pain yo and comes raging off the top ropes to verbally slam Will to the mat for at least a full ten-count!  In his brand-new video for his single “Family Guy,” Will brings you just as much entertainment onscreen as he does in the music in a memorable combo that’s designed to make an impact through the wicked rhymes he’s heatin’ the mic with, but also through the craziest of scenes & subtitles you’ll see this year in a family setting.  Will EsCargo gets super personal here and peels back the curtain for a glimpse of what’s real and what it’s like to live a day in his life – and while that might make for intense humor for us as we watch & listen, just don’t forget – he’s livin’ this reality!  Check it out for yourself and click play on “Family Guy” by Will EsCargo below!

Check the man out on Instagram and follow Will EsCargo here:  https://www.instagram.com/willescargo

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