Walrus Tales & Planet V – “Matchsticks”

Walrus Tales & Planet V – “Matchsticks” – Single Review
Sometimes you can’t believe everything you read or hear…no matter how much you might like or appreciate your source of information. Take the Soundcloud page that houses the new-single “Matchsticks” from the collaborative efforts of Planet V & Walrus Tales – if we’re to believe everything we find here word-for-word, then it seems as if their own description tells the full tale behind the hypnotic rhythm & pulse of “Matchsticks.” And I quote…
“This ones got some singuns on it! We wrote this about grilling fish over a pile of burning beer cans.”
So…I suppose it could go one of two ways theoretically, but I’m choosing the path that leads to believing that Walrus Tales & Planet V know how to have themselves a good time. The complexity of the music and ideas indicate there’s a more intelligent entity at work here…so don’t be fooled by everything you read…there’s no redneck-rock waiting for you once you push play, I promise.
Of course, that being said, I’ve got no real idea who’s responsible for what exactly – I just know I like what I’m hearing. Kind of reminds me of “Rabbit In Your Headlights” slightly by UNKLE, just in the sense of it sounds similar to Yorke’s vocals amidst atmospheric electro, which “Matchsticks” pulls off insanely well. The resulting combination is both jazzy & consistently melodic…angelic and fragile at times and others fiercely confident and empowering.
Yeah! I’d have to say overall that, while not typical by any sense of the word, this pairing of Planet V & Walrus Tales really works well together. I love the stuttered electro-shots in the beat, the rubbery synth-bass against the airy piano sounds…it’s smart stuff really, despite what their page might have you believe… And though perhaps in the very first four or five lines I wasn’t completely sure the vocals would anchor themselves stably within the song, “Matchsticks” wasn’t even out of its first verse before I felt like these vocal-tones fit in every spot they found themselves in there & thereafter.
Perhaps more similar to something like Boards Of Canada or Peace Orchestra through its supremely chilled-out beat, it’s those vocals that end up pushing this track towards something that sounds vibrantly unique & new and extremely pleasing to the ear when it all comes together. Definitely something interesting brewing here on “Matchsticks” and this track certainly reveals a skilled combination that works extremely well & naturally together – the kind of song that flows along so fluidly & smoothly you could only hope they’d find a way to create more of this sound.
Collaborations are one of the best things about music and creative combinations like “Matchsticks” from Planet V & Walrus Tales absolutely confirms that amazing sounds are still yet to be uncovered. They’ve found a fantastic one here through working together, and again, I could only hope there’ll be more – this was extremely cool and a total trip.
Find out more from the Walrus Tales Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/walrustales
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