VII Of WANDS – “Astro Therapy” Feat. Kristen Gradwohl & Edoardo Gastaldi

VII Of WANDS – “Astro Therapy” Feat. Kristen Gradwohl & Edoardo Gastaldi – Music Video Post
One massive, hugely enthusiastic thumbs UP to this atmospheric & melodic GEM right here y’all.
The truth is, I probably would have felt that way about the song on its own to begin with – the fact that it comes along with what’s easily one of my favorite videos of 2022 just makes this experience that much sweeter! The visual cherry on top, you feel me? “Astro Therapy” is exactly what you wanna find in a single…fantastic song, stellar video supporting it…it’s the perfect gateway into a band you need to put on your radar and certainly on your playlists as well. You can see from the official posting that VII Of WANDS got an assist on this video via the talents of FRIEDANIMATION – and I can confirm, that was a wise decision to enlist the extra support! A collaborative effort all around, “Astro Therapy” is a stellar example of everything working out perfectly, with both mediums involved brilliantly complementing each other. Ain’t no two ways about it if you ask me – this is a stunning experience that I’ll remember for sure.
And honestly, that’s saying something! If you look at the history of these pages of ours, you’ll see that I’ve listened to at least a few tunes & seen a few videos over this past decade. I’d be the first to tell ya that there’s a lot of information stored in my dome, and that it takes something sincerely special to be remembered when you check out as much entertainment as I do day after day. You also develop this like…sixth sense for knowing when what you’re witnessing is something rare though…like, from the haunting opening guitar notes, to the endearing indie vocals, to the vividly clever lyricism at the heart of this single…I had no doubt on that very first spin that I’d want a whole bunch more “Astro Therapy” in my life. As I like to remind ya from time to time, it’s very hard to forget a song when you’re playing it all the time – and I’ve got plans to continue listening & watching this video from VII Of WANDS for forever. What can I say? I’m a massive fan of cartoons to begin with, FRIEDANIMATION has done an exceptional job on this video, and the song itself is as addictive as it gets – it’s the perfect storm of a perfect combo!
All-in-all, I’d easily tell ya that this whole pairing is as insightful as it is entertaining. Listen to the words, listen to the sound…you’ll see that this is more than a merely clever cartoon, and that it’s the completely right fit for a song like this thematically. Both Kristen and Edoardo deserve major high fives for what they add to this whole vibe from VII Of WANDS…it’s catchy, it’s subtly powerful, and it’s substantial – it’s the kind of song that you’ll mull over in your thoughts for days on end, singing along with the memory in your mind. The mainly black & white video is spectacularly well-executed – it makes every single addition of color leap straight outta your screen, and each scene you’ll see works remarkably in tandem with the main hooks of “when I’m all alone and isolated” on repeat with the cartoon spaceman and this sonic adventure that’ll take ya straight out into the galaxy. I’m all about “Astro Therapy,” 100% – and the best news I’ve got for ya, is that it won’t just be me that’s addicted to it, this is absolutely universal.
When everybody’s on the same page, focused on the goal, and thriving in their craft, you get results like what you’ll see & hear on “Astro Therapy.” I’ve had a peek into what VII Of WANDS has been creating beyond this single, and I can confirm, there’s genuinely artistic, visionary talent within this project helmed by creator Jesse Diaz…I’ve had the pleasure of checking out a bunch of tunes at this point, and I feel like I’ve enjoyed every single one of’em. Plus, Jesse clearly has a love for animation & cartoons just like I do, so more often than not, you’ll find the music of VII Of WANDS coming along with something like that onscreen, which is obviously A-OK with me! Dude’s got a great start to his music career so far – after this experience with “Astro Therapy” as my gateway into all of what Jesse’s creating in this solo project, he’s certainly gained a sincere fan over here on this side of the screen, and I’d be more than willing to bet that with the level of creativity, innovation, and ART goin’ on here, that the odds are in his favor that he’ll make raving new fans every single time someone checks out whatever VII Of WANDS is up to next. Tons of reasons to be stoked on this from sight to sound – you’re gonna love this every bit as much as I do, I guarantee it.
Find out more about VII Of WANDS at the official links below!
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