Usmansax – Hépíng

 Usmansax – Hépíng

Usmansax – Hépíng – EP Review

You’re never going to find me complaining about more saxophone-based tunes coming my way.

Of course, enjoying it always depends on who’s playing it, but from what I’ve been able to hear on the Hépíng EP from Usmansax, it certainly seems like we’re on solid ground.  Quality ain’t an issue here as far as my ears can tell – and even beyond the sax, you’ll find a whole lot more to enjoy about the music of this man…there’s a whole lot of stunning detail surrounding the featured instrument to keep you all fully engaged and entertained.  As I pushed play on this brand-new record from Usmansax and its first of two songs started up, it was crystal clear to me that this dude has a natural bond with music that speaks volumes on its behalf.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ll have plenty more to say about him and this EP, but you get what I mean…you’ll start with “Echoes Of Eden” and feel like you’ve been transported from where you are into a colorful world of sound through the perspective of Usmansax…and you’ll want to stay put.

Usman Ibrahim, aka Usmansax, is based out of Buckinghamshire, England, from what I’ve learned about him so far – and believe it or not, a sound THIS remarkable is actually a whole lot more accessible than you might even realize.  He plays different events of all kinds from big corporate functions, to intimate settings like weddings, and I’m sure he’s available & willing to play just about everything in between too.  That’s the thing about folks that truly love what they do, ain’t it?  They don’t just wanna take a night off like the rest of the working world does, because who would want to take a night off of doing what they love doing most, right?  So yes…if you’re in the area, and you’re looking for a stunning talent to enhance your next event, whatever that might be, you’d be smart to reach out to Usmansax and see what you might be able to set up!  I’m not here to advertise the man’s services though…you can find out all about that through his main website and whatnot – I’m here to tell ya about what I heard on the Hépíng EP.

What I really enjoyed about “Echoes Of Eden” was how expansive this whole first song felt.  It’s practically cinematic in the sense that you feel like this opening track could be the perfect tune to pair with visuals for some kind of film, because it’s like you can already see the scenes in your mind as you listen to it, you know what I mean?  Usman plays with a very visually vibrant sound…there’s life in the music he’s making, and “Echoes Of Eden” is a stellar representation of what he brings to your speakers every bit as much as what he brings to the canvas of the imagination of your mind.  With slightly hushed vocals singing about Africa in the background, the addition of a bass-line bounce and percussion to complete the rhythm section, a couple of extra elements like the twinkle of piano or a sprinkling of the sparkle of a guitar, “Echoes Of Eden” is filled the kind of attention to detail that makes all the difference.  As far as Usmansax is concerned, he still remains the star of the show as the lead instrument in the mix, which gives him a bit more freedom to roam and be adventurous while the rest of the featured sounds provide a consistency for him to build on.  “Echoes Of Eden” is both gentle and bold at the same time as a result; the surrounding layers reveal a sweet serenity, calm, and peace, while Usmansax’s lead offers us a whole spectrum of audible color to go along with it.  The skill is completely tangible, but also very natural – “Echoes Of Eden” is a fine example of everything being comfortably in the right place at the precise right time.  The remarkably confident professionalism you’ll hear in the execution leads this song to its victory and gives it every opportunity to not only be heard, but to be sincerely felt by one and all.

As for this EP’s title-track, “Hépíng” – I again feel like Usmansax has nothing to fear in the court of public opinion – this is a man that knows what he’s doing and definitely plays with a tremendous level of skill.  When it comes to the sound of “Hépíng” I’d say it’s fair to assess this cut as sounding more close up to us as we listen, as opposed to the wide open feeling you get when you listen to “Echoes Of Eden.”  Ultimately, I view that as a good thing – we get two different soundscapes in what we discover on the Hépíng EP, which offer us two different glimpses at the kinds of personality, moods, and demeanor that Usman is capable of creating.  While I’m sure he’s not limited to just these two gears and has several others as well, it’s nice to have an array of ideas, sounds, and styles to get a sense of what an artist like this is able to do with their instrument.  Usmansax is clearly well versed in being able to entertain in a variety of ways, and both of the two tracks on the Hépíng EP reveal a different side of his story overall in that regard, but also proves that his talent and sound is cohesive in a way that if you like one tune on this EP, you’ll certainly dig both even with them being as unique from each other as they are.  I suppose I’d say that I associate a song like “Hépíng” with a more distinctive nighttime vibe, which is enhanced by the keys taking over from the piano…that kind of thing.  Other than that, the surrounding elements like what we hear in the rhythm section are every bit as outstanding as they were in the first tune, and the impeccable technique of Usmansax is still every bit as riveting in this more mysterious type of setting.

All-in-all, it’s clear you can’t lose no matter which song you choose or what gear you find Usmansax in – he knows how to deliver, and I feel like there’s a whole lot of people out there that’ll be stoked to find his music when they do.  Because believe me when I tell ya, I’m not the only one out there looking for a little more sax in my life, you feel me?  I hear about it all the time in my life of work.  The people out there have always connected with the instrument in a variety of ways, but it’s admittedly a lot tougher to find an artist that supplies it with a relevancy like you’ll hear in how Usman plays it.  Essentially, the man is working with a timeless sound of his own design, and I feel like a whole new generation of listeners out there will sincerely appreciate what he’s bringing to the music scene, and to their playlists.  With the level of diversity you’ll find shared between the two tracks on the Hépíng EP alone, it’s fair to say that Usmansax has a variety of options for his future ahead of him, and with the dedication, craft, passion, and skill he adds to every note, it’s clear he’s motivated to find out how far his music can go.

Find out more about Usmansax from his official website at:

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