Tu P – Agenda

Tu P – Agenda – Album Review
When the first thing you read about a record describes it as “A 20 track album covering the big-picture issues of our time: climate change, child protection, terrorism, policing, freedom of speech, geopolitics, Coronavirus, healthcare and the arts” believe me when I say, you’ve definitely got my attention. There’s no doubt that’s quite the ambitious Agenda for Tu P – or any artist for that matter when it comes to covering so much ground thematically – but you gotta admit too, that’s pretty damn enticing, ain’t it?
He sets the Agenda immediately, and outlines the reality we’re all living in, highlighting multiple points of unrest, injustices, and environmental issues that affect us all across the globe as the “Agenda Intro” kicks this Tu P record into gear. Immediately, it’s impossible to miss the socially-conscious aspect of this whole record, as a barrage of newscast style information comes at ya; and ultimately, no one escapes what he’s put on his Agenda here…everything you’ll hear about is connected in one undeniable way – the people & the planet we share together. Pay attention to what the man is layin’ down throughout this album y’all…”Agenda Intro” sets the schedule in place; now it’s time for Tu P to get a few thangs off his chest & off his mind, keepin’ us all thoroughly entertained in the process of a highly detailed album.
So here’s the facts Jack…you’re gonna find a ton of exciting versatility flowing fluidly throughout this record…that I can promise ya. Almost impossible to help when you’re puttin’ together an album with twenty tracks on it, know what I mean? But listen to how this whole Agenda kicks into gear through the flashy combination of style, sound, and insightful wisdom being dropped throughout “Gaudy” will ya? This should make an immediate impression on ya, one way or the other really; whether it’s the smooth flow of Tu P on the mic bringing the melody to quick bars that a melodic enough to have him firmly in the Pop category, but with that twist of R&B, Soul, and Hip-Hop that gives everything a wonderfully hybrid result. All that great stuff being said, I think what’s gotta stand out instantly to everyone listening, HAS to be the genius this dude is packing into his lyricism – because this man is no joke and he proves it right off the drop on “Gaudy.” He’s taking on the brand-name society we live in & battling that urge to join the masses of excess, even while envying it all just as much – Tu P communicates what so many of us out there on the fringes of popularity often feel, while also highlighting how ridiculous a ton of these excessive tendencies of ours really are. “Gaudy” makes its point about what’s important in life by pointing out the opposite along the way – all the while giving you a cut you can’t help but groove on.
“Onus On Us” makes the decisive switch into more concentrated conscious Hip-Hop terrain, and Tu P wastes zero time in getting out everything he wants to say to you as the rhymes begin to blaze at full speed. No lie – you WILL have to spin through a track like this several times to catch everything that’s being said, but he gives you every reason to want to; it’s not an issue of clarity – he hits these bars with confidence & verbal authority – it’s simply a superhuman speed and colorful collage of sound that has you listening to all its ingredients at once. With there being so many of these moments & so masterfully well performed, it’s easy to get lost on one aspect like trying to keep up with the words, or how the wall of sound in the chorus washes over you…maybe lost isn’t the right word…more like, frozen in awe really – you kind of get instantly hypnotized by the epic track this becomes & how quickly you actually got there. Tu P travels the globe in his words, highlighting multiple political, societal, and environmental issues in the process, pulling no punches and attacking his targets with precision – and by the end, turns the tables to where the attention is truly the most needed, reminding everyone that the “Onus On Us” here y’all – and he’s right about that. He’s right about a helluva lot of things if you’re listening to his words, believe me; might take a spin or two to catch’em all for sure, but Tu P always makes the extra effort to keep up with him worthwhile…when you really get into his lyrics, you’ll find he’s loaded-up with grounded & insightful wisdom that goes far, far beyond entertainment, into life-changing tunes. I’ve always gotten my education through music – it’s artists just like Tu P that have made that possible.
I will be realistic though – I know how records like this can go when it comes to what the masses are able to absorb…and Tu P is undoubtedly ahead of the curve & ahead of his time right now. While I’d never discourage anyone out there to do anything other than say exactly what they wanna say, exactly how they wanna say it – I know from the sheer amount of words comin’ atcha throughout cuts like “Here There On Fire” and what we’ve already heard so far is going to wear most people outside of the genre in trying to keep up. And maybe that’s the way it SHOULD be…maybe we should just all be okay with that…again, I wouldn’t change the artist, that’s not on them – it’s on us to be able to adapt & listen to what comes at us. This is all more of a comment on the amount of content you’ll find on Agenda at-large…it’s a BEEFY record and a real commitment to listen to, no matter how great the music & songs are, know what I mean? But that’s equally a compliment – and for those of you out there that want MORE out of the music you listen to, believe me when I say, Tu P is here to supply exactly that – he’s extra in all the right ways. “Here There On Fire” really starts to hit its stride in the second minute as Tu P makes mincemeat outta the bars at full speed; but listen to the difference in his tone of voice & the way he raps along the way as well…the dude knows entertainment and how to get the most out of the emphasis on his words where it needs to show up most. A confident artist that audibly proves exactly why that IS through the insightful commentary in his words – Tu P raps with purpose y’all – you dig? It’s a lot for the average mind to process, I ain’t gonna lie to ya – but Agenda quickly reveals itself to be one of the most important & bold records to be released in 2020…this is an album that needs to be heard.
Something like “Wellspring” featuring Ashleigh Denning & SFR Beats pretty much speaks for itself – this is almost the opposite of everything I just pointed on the song prior, giving your ears a track that’s universally accessible to all & loaded up with beautiful sentiment. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to say that you think one set of lyrics are ‘better’ than the others you’ll find on this record…Tu P’s so gifted that, whether he’s diving into something full-on political, or blissfully personal like he is on “Wellspring” – the results are remarkable no matter what gear you find him in on that level. Like “Gaudy” initially introduces to us, “Wellspring” heads into vibrant & versatile sound that is a genuine hybrid collage of what’s relevant for the right here & now – and ultimately I think the sweetness within this tune and its core melody & hooks is going to lead this cut to being an instant favorite for many listeners out there. To me, it was about how the right person can bring out the best version of ourselves…and maybe more importantly, WANT to be that better version for them…Tu P’s put together a truly beautiful track here with “Wellspring” – this collaboration with Ashleigh & SFR ended up bringing out the best in them all.
While there’s no doubt that the more straight-up & dedicated Hip-Hop vibes like you’ll find in the lineup early on show that Tu P can rap with the best of’em out there in the scene today – I felt like he really found his most accessible vibes whenever he went in that hybrid direction, like you’ll find on “It’s Time To Be Strong.” Could be subject matter too when it comes to the strength of the impact that this track puts on ya with such a delicate sound at its core…if you’re listening to these words, you’ll find a stunning mix of devastating details, and a message that is absolutely inspiring at the heart of it all. Really well written stuff from beginning to end…this story hits ya right in the feels…and there’s a chance for many of you out there, that what Tu P is singin’ & rappin’ about is gonna be savagely close to home. Dealing with friends, family, and the tragedies of life & loss, while also providing a light in the dark that reminds us we’re all proudly walking the paths of those that have come before us – whether it was going into such a personal story, or just being 100% engaged with the story he’s woven here…whatever it was that got the results out of Tu P on “It’s Time To Be Strong” sure reveals the sincerity & strengths of his music.
Again…listen to this dude stroll through the amount of syllables he manages to pack into each and every cut on this record…it’s nothing short of remarkable no matter which cut you land on. “Reap What We Sow” goes for a serious set of vibes straight from the drop, and over the course of its length puts together a string of relentlessly thought-provoking words that are designed to be considered by us all. What I like about a track like this is that you’ll hear Tu P take you from a microcosm of the issues at first, and then backs the lens right out to a macro view, taking on the whole system at-large as he continues to make his points on “Reap What We Sow.” A lot of it takes aim at institutions like foster care & the criminal justice system…and rightfully so – again, it’s not like Tu P is just spouting off without getting his facts straight – he lays out his case like a lawyer would; it just so happens he’s capable of doing it through music & stylistic sound. You won’t find me complaining, that’s for sure – I admire artists like Tu P that use their platform to educate the masses for the potential of a greater good & better tomorrow – we need leaders like this guy out there on the front-lines of change & speaking up on behalf of those that can’t for themselves. Tu P excels at creating awareness & entertainment in tandem, and “Reap What We Sow” is further proof of that…vibrant music, memorable hooks, important messages – check, check, check…if you were to ask me & my ears, I’d have to tell ya that the Agenda is right on schedule.
“When those on top do wrong, then I drop truth bombs.” You see what I’m saying? Tu P ain’t afraid of the powers that be or the system surrounding him – he’s ready to be that change the world needs, and in making a record like this, he’s certainly putting his words into action. I’m all about “So Divided” on just about every level I can think of as a politically-aware individual…and especially right freakin’ now only days away from our neighbors down south of us having their election in the next 24 hours. To say we’re “So Divided” is to put it mildly for sure – but keep in mind, that’s just a title y’all & every song has to have one – the important thing is that Tu P unloads the full clip of facts in a verbal assault on the twisted effects of politics & the role it plays on the world we live in. There’s also a great use of piano, drums, and space at work here in the music, which really has the words poppin’ out as they should – Tu P isn’t so much droppin’ truth bombs as he is launching them around the world at full strength. Of course, on an ideological & political level, I’m on Tu P’s side of the argument & believe in the messages he’s loaded up “So Divided” to be truths, not fiction – but it’s all about how you present the argument in my opinion…this is an artist that brings facts & knowledge to his songwriting & lyrics yes, but it’s about how he connects what he’s saying from point-A to point-B that shows you how relevant what he’s rappin’ about really is, and how no matter who you are out there, these issues affect us all collectively. What I particularly like about “So Divided” is that Tu P had the courage to call out a couple of specific powers-that-be that should have been standing up a hell of a lot better than they have been on behalf of the people over these past years…and also communicates the degradation that’s created globally as a result of all this inaction, greed, hypocrisy, and general ignorance we’re experiencing. He ain’t wrong.
The bonds of a longstanding friendship are tested as two friends are pulled apart over time throughout the story of “Extremist.” For you kids out there, you’ll fun into this many, many times over the course of life, where that fork in the road appears, and it’s not until long afterwards that you’re able to look back and see where you went one way as someone you once knew well, goes the other direction. It can be a tough thing to accept…and Tu P seems to ultimately get that the outcome just kind of is what it is, like we all have to at some point. We can wax nostalgically & crave the good times that have long since passed – but eventually, you just gotta realize that, as sad as it might be, moving on is for the best. Of course, these are all just my own theories based on what Tu P is rappin’ about here on “Extremist,” but I’d imagine that’s really what this cut is all about at its core…the push/pull of friendship over time, and how we so often just kind of assume things will always stay connected, until one day they’re just not. Solid performance, great atmosphere provided by SFR Beats once again…I think “Extremist” likely appeals more to the dedicated conscious Hip-Hop crowd overall perhaps, but at the same time, Tu P’s impressively detailed lyrical imagery & storytelling always shows the potential to pull other people in.
“Can’t Breathe” is about exactly what you’d think it would be – and you won’t find too many tracks out there that deal with the systemic problems of societal oppression, race-relations, and police violence as head-on & direct as Tu P is willing to go here. And good on him – like I said earlier on, he’s fearless when it comes to being an ally on behalf of those that need someone – ALL of us – to help speak up at a time where it’s severely needed. I hear a song like “Can’t Breathe” and I’m freakin’ thankful there are people out there with the courage of their convictions like Tu P, that understand enough to know they’ll never fully understand, but know they can still be an ally in several other crucial ways. Creating a song like “Can’t Breathe” is certainly one of them, and it’s a massively effective one at that – I’m far from being the only person out here in the world that completely relies on music to educate me…there will be tons of people out there that listen to the urgent intensity taking place between the lines of “Can’t Breathe” and have it sink in. That’s another step forward in evolution when that happens…another step towards understanding, stopping the violence once & for all, and finding a universal acceptance of one another, like we always should have had to begin with. Sad of course that we’re not only NOT there yet and still what seems so many millions of miles away from systemic equality – assuming it’s even possible within the current framework to begin with – but it’s songs like “Can’t Breathe” that give me hope for the tomorrows yet to come. The real power lies within the people – Tu P reminds us all of that here.
But don’t think he’s done with calling out the badges just yet – “Police State” will make his disdain for the current things more clear than ever, and outlines the details of what happens in the future to come if we leave the balance of power unchecked. I ain’t gonna lie to you – this is the sanest form of audible insanity I’ve witnessed in quite a while – and the uniqueness here between the writing, lyrics, vocals of Tu P and music by SFR Beats cannot be complimented strongly enough in words for me to be satisfied. This should be…damn…almost more than we can ALL handle when it comes to its like…Clockwork Orange-esque madness in the music circling through its hypnotic, twisted, bent, and melting-in-the-sun sound – but am I crazy, or does this not become one of the most engaging moments on Agenda overall? This is where creativity, innovation, truth, and courage combine to prove what a sonic force that can become to be reckoned with – Tu P ain’t afraid to spit what’s real, and with music as wild & different in style & sound as you’ll hear on “Police State,” it all leans perfectly into the mix of madness & mayhem surrounding you from all angles. I felt like this whole track exemplified the intensity of how much information is coming at us daily…”Police State” is an anxiety inducing cut, and presumably designed to be.
A second generation Vietnamese Australian, he’s already taken on the USA and the inherently evil politics of Agent Orange’s current administration – and if you’ve been paying attention, Tu P has proven himself plenty when it comes to global awareness right from the start of the “Agenda Intro” on forth. It’s important to note, because it says a lot about the man behind the scenes, know what I mean? Perhaps it’s his culturally-infused background, perhaps it’s just being a stand-up global citizen that isn’t afraid to make sure his neighbors out there are doing just as well as he is himself – but you’ll find Tu P is a true champion of the underdog & what’s right in this world…at the very least, in my opinion. He aims internationally with “Free Tibet Free The Uyghurs” and brings an important issue to light, one that seems to escape much of the mainstream conversation unfortunately, though it has gotten at least a little bit of coverage I suppose. For those of you out there that have been paying attention, you know there has essentially been a genocide taking place, right to this very day – and for those of you out there that don’t, that’s exactly what cuts like “Free Tibet Free The Uyghurs” are created for. Listen, educate yourself, and follow leaders like Tu P into doing more than just typing out a clever social-media post – let it lead you into action with the intentions of generating the change we all need on this planet we share.
“We’re needing a widening of the aperture” might be one of the most insightful lines I’ve heard this year, no pun intended. It’s one of many that you’ll find from the linguistically diverse, cultural crossover Tu P’s created for “Save Our Seas” featuring Marx Sickmind, Mei Lee, and Petrofsky – and it’s also one of the most effective collabs you’ll find in this whole lineup of tunes. Tracks that switch it up this distinctly serve a record like this in immeasurable ways…the value it supplies is majorly important to the depth of a twenty song lineup. Speed is a great thing…no doubt about it, and Tu P excels at it – but in breaking up the consistent barrage of information & syllables comin’ at us with a bit more space & flexibility in how it’s presented makes a huge difference in keeping us engaged. Like I said, I’m fully realistic about ‘how’ people listen to music – and there’s not a doubt in my mind that this should be two records with ten cuts or at least a double record instead of a twenty minute epic…there’s so much being said here that you don’t want it to get lost on those listening, and the demands being made on most ears out there are far beyond what most could comprehend in a single serving. So make no mistake – you need to take your time cruising through the set-list of Agenda – but when you do get to really absorb what’s being said, and the continually impressive messages being beamed outta your lefts & rights, you have to appreciate just how much work, effort, passion, precision, and professionalism is on display at all times. “Save Our Seas” tackles a ton about climate change and environmental issues from all angles…I truly mean that…Tu P even gets downright legislative all up on ya here – how many times does a writer get to put a sentence like THAT in-print folks? Believe me, I cherish these moments…but also believe me when I say, the rarity of writing a line like that reflects purely on being inspired by the music I’d be listening to.
Taking the case even further, “Love Live Our Seas” featuring Marx Sickmind & Lex Primost widens that aperture in all the right ways to reveal the splendor of the ocean and how it connects us together, one & all. I’m realistic in the sense that it’s probably a bit more message driven than it is focused on creating easy to digest entertainment…and while the same could be said of at least a few of these songs on Agenda, you probably feel it a bit more on this cut than most. “Long Live Our Seas” will likely have to battle a bit more for your affections in comparison to the majority of this album’s lineup, at least to start – it only takes a couple spins to appreciate how the quality is every bit as consistent as the rest. Perhaps it’s got a few less accessible hooks, but on a lyrical, music, and performance level, it’s still completely aligned, unified in its collaborative ambitions, and expresses important sentiment from start to finish. It is a bit more noticeably old-school to a degree here…it’s hard to not compare the production here to the same kind of vibes that a satire project like The Lonely Island tend to lampoon – but at the end of the day, I still listen to that band too, because it sounds good to me – so what do I know anyway? It’s flashy, it’s probably a bit over the top in that sense stylistically…but ultimately, I ain’t really complaining y’all. More than anything, I appreciate the theme and the concept they’re going for on “Long Live Our Seas.”
I’m not gonna pull punches – I never do – so trust me when I say, I’m like, 100% tapped-out on Corona tunes. I knew that I would eventually get there…because this has been what we’ve ALL ended up experiencing collectively around the globe – it’s only natural that it would have found its way into art & music, which documents who we are as humans better than anything else I can think of. So I GET IT – I’m just saying, where most people out there probably get exposed to a couple slices of pandemic related music here & there, I’m practically drowning in it here, because it’s on ALL of our minds. Again – I get it…I GET IT…just try & think of it from my side, will ya folks? That being said – and take this to heart – it’s because I’ve heard so many of them that I can tell ya NO ONE OUT THERE ON EARTH has detailed this experience better than what you’ll hear on “Coronavirus The Worst And Best Of Us” featuring Shoks & Lex Primost. Absolutely remarkable & brilliant from beginning to end – the rap is breathtaking just from its mesmerizing pace alone, but the words…good lord…THE WORDS…are what are truly jaw-dropping here. For those of you that are out there, trying to figure out WTF the actual truth IS these days when it comes to navigating the Covid-19-era we’re living in – LISTEN to this song, and understand that what you’re hearing isn’t a SPIN on the situation – this track is built of pure objectivity and actual FACTS. Sure there’s a point of view and perspective that can’t be hidden, but it’s as altruistic & well-intentioned as it can be – Tu P isn’t all doom & gloom at all on “Coronavirus The Worst And Best Of Us” – quite the opposite really. Sure he’ll get right into the gritty & grim reality of the situation, and take a few more shots at the current ignorance on display in the USA & Trumpster Fire’s Murica – but I’m all for that personally…that’s venom flowing in the direction it SHOULD BE, and accountability that’s required; but you’ll also find the blueprint to the rebuilding and genuine encouragement to find what little good there can be in all this. Because no matter what point in history, no matter how the odds have been stacked against us at any point in time – we’ve managed to persevere, and we will again; Tu P gets it.
“Love For My Team/When I Get Out” featuring Lex Primost details in a highly relatable way, what so many of us have been feeling & missing during these isolated times we’re living through. I appreciate the way the Agenda flows as an album…you’ll often find combinations of back-to-back tunes like this, where you get something like the more factually-based & observational approach to the word on “Coronavirus The Worst And Best Of Us” followed up by something that’ll take it into more personal terrain like you’ll hear on the tributary approach to “Love For My Team/When I Get Out” – or vice versa, you get the idea. The point is, Tu P’s clearly considered the layout of the Agenda just as much as the topics he wanted to cover & messages he wanted to convey…or perhaps he’s just incapable of creating songs that offer surface level entertainment & nothing more…that’d certainly be fine with me too – whatever it is, whatever the reason, smart placement in the track listing has also played a significant role in tackling these issues he’s chosen to take on. Amongst the swell of big bass beats, “Love For My Team/When I Get Out” is definitely among the most universally relatable tunes out there this year; it’s like the whole song was written while staring out the window & dreaming of what carefree life with no restrictions will be like, assuming of course, that we’re lucky enough for those times to come back again.
Hold up…maybe I take that back…or…part of what I just said. “I Can’t Sleep” might in fact be the most relatable track you hear this year…or…like…ever? I mean…I’m sure by this point, seven some-odd pages into reading a review it’s plenty clear that I’m more than impressed with what Tu P lays down on the m-i-c – but COME ON – how is he still finding ways to somehow raise the stakes, this far into a record? “I Can’t Sleep” is everything y’all…not just a piece, it’s the whole thing. Alright…I’ll dial back the hyperbole just a TINY bit…it’s a solid highlight in amongst many others in a set of really great songs overall – but in terms of a song that the 24/7 culture we’re all immersed in now…I’m stunned at how accurately he’s penned the words to this tune. Understand that, usually when I crawl into bed, my wife is already asleep on her side, with her arm outstretched, phone still IN-HAND and videos beaming towards her face all night long as she sleeps. And yes, I’ve told her a million times it’s beyond creepy, and I hate it. But I do understand it as well…sometimes we just wanna go to sleep, but the world sure ain’t sleepin’ when we are anymore. Even taking ten minutes away from my computer on any given day to get a coffee, I can come back and the entire world seems like it’s flipped over on its axis in a 180-degree turn all over again – and how many times has that happened in 2020 alone? “I Can’t Sleep” – you can’t sleep – and apparently Tu P can’t either…and we all need to just learn to put down our screens, breathe, go the heck outside, and appreciate the ones we love, the world around us, and what’s ACTUALLY real. Tu P also takes on the zombified medicated state of the planet as well…which is a perfect cherry on top of a great idea, giving it another solid twist that completely ties in with remarkable insight & relevancy. An excellent tune all-around…I’d love to say we can’t all relate to the vast majority of what’s being spit throughout “I Can’t Sleep,” but my gut suggests it’s the opposite…we’re all experiencing a ton of what Tu P is rapping about on this cut. I’m feeling 100% fully exposed…but at least I’m obviously not alone.
Enlisting a whole crew to back him up, the radiant collaboration on “Good Things Come” happens right at the perfect time to ramp up the excitement as we head towards the finish line. No joke – it’s completely an achievement of a record all-around – but it is ALSO an achievement to make it from beginning to end on part of listening as well. The content will keep ya contained in your seat for sure, but the monumental epicness of this twenty-song lineup will definitely keep ya there for quite some time from the sheer length too. So right when you need it most, you get that injection of brightness & energy you’re looking for with “Good Things Come” – a song that delivers on exactly what its title implies. The inspired vibes you’ll hear stem from the tale of the man behind the music and Tu P’s journey to become the artist he is today – and I’m all about origin stories when they’re put together this tightly. Adding in the female vocals was a BRILLIANT move, not sure if that’s Nastajia, Sophie.Ann, Holly, or all of them together – but their presence was more than felt in the refreshing spark this song brings to Agenda – they were outright essential in putting this album on a solid path to a victorious finale. “Good Things Come” is undoubtedly one of, if not THE most addictive & catchy cut you’ll find on this album – the hooks are as strong as strong can be, and the entire aura & atmosphere of this tune is exceptionally inviting at every opportunity it has from the music to the microphone. I have zero doubt about a cut like this finding an audience – this will be a favorite track for many listeners out there, and you’ll get no argument from me on that selection – “Good Things Come” is built on irresistible vibes.
Awesome punch in the production & beat to be found on “A Song About Transport” featuring Dblow – tons of character, charisma & personality in the mix for you to dig on here for sure…which is almost strange given that, “this one’s about transport…nothing else…” – his words, not mine. I suppose we all gotta write about something right? For real though y’all…you read & listen to these words from Tu P and you can’t help but recognize how seriously well-informed he is, and how willing he is to share what he’s learned with the people out there listening. You got my respect homie, I think that’s aces. When it comes to “A Song About Transport” – sure…maybe it IS “about transport…nothing else” on a thematic level…perhaps…but in terms of what else Tu P brings to a song like this, look at the art in the craft here. When he says it’s about transport – he’s set himself up with a theme, a concept, and a framework to work within – and listen to him send out the words to do exactly that. It’s all about the finest of details – selecting words that support the theme without beating you over the head in any kind of obvious way, you feel me? That’s where Tu P is excelling here on “A Song About Transport” – this is where he proves that even when he’s decided to restrict himself to a singular topic, he can take it in multiple directions.
“Respect My Hustle?” I do! I have been! I swear! Have not at least a few of these words spoken towards that? Oh. Oh wait. He’s not singing at me personally…it’s just the last song on the record. Well okay then, no problemo homie, you’ve given us all every reason to respect your hustle and the superhuman effort that goes into a lineup of songs that comes out this seamless & flawless as these all do. Tu P has put the work in…there’s no question about it…he’s given you plenty to think about and consider over the course of this album, and to finish it all, he lights it up with colorful & celebratory sound, full of catchy synth rhythms & hooks, ending the Agenda on one of its most upbeat tunes. Still plenty in the mix to reveal that addictive speed & skill he’s shown us from the very moment the studio lights got turned on & kept us listening throughout this full lineup, but bringing an intensely radiant dose of spectacularly engaging & endearing style to create a finale you’ll remember – “Respect My Hustle” was a great cut to have selected to end this album on all the right notes & get ya repeating it all over again. It really felt like after experiencing so much heavy content so thoroughly loaded with information & knowledge bombs bursting from bar-to-bar throughout Agenda, that Tu P made a wise choice in lightening up the vibes towards the end of the album in the final three tracks, almost like we’re all rewarded for sticking it out to learn something by giving us some verifiably pure entertainment to finish it all off. This dude’s great at what he does…and perhaps the greatest thing about him is that he does several things! Tu P’s Agenda offers ya plenty to enjoy through its vibrantly versatile set-list, plenty of words to consider in its lyricism & themes, and all delivered with undeniable purpose & passion.
Find out more about Tu P from his official page at Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/MCTuPham