TSAX – “Amen”

 TSAX – “Amen”

TSAX – “Amen” – Single Review


I love saxophone.  If there’s one thing I might love even more than saxophone, it’s saxophone paired with piano.  So heck yeah, you had me at hello with this new single of yours TSAX, without a doubt.  As for the rest of the stuff you’ll find in the mix here…a couple random elements here & there, and some backing vocals, a delicate beat to go along with it…I dunno…it’s fairly inconsequential in comparison to what your ears are really going to be paying attention to in a single like “Amen.”  Nothing detrimental, mind you…I suppose it’s just a roundabout way of saying that’s how great TSAX really is at what he does – everything fits well enough, don’t get me wrong, but the real star of the show is the man with the sax.

Don’t get it twisted either – just because I love the sound of instruments like the violin, or the piano, or the saxophone in this particular case, doesn’t mean you automatically get a pass.  I’ve been objective from day one, and if I’ve got something to say, y’all know I’m gonna say it, simple and plain.  When it comes to “Amen” however, I don’t really think there’s all that much that would warrant any criticism, if anything at all.  It’s a well-balanced tune from start to finish, executed with artistry and noticeable craft, and the professionalism is clearly there as well.  TSAX obviously knows the saxophone inside and out, and he plays like it.  You can hear the purpose, the intention, the clear decisions that he makes from note to note.  What you’re not going to find, is anything that’s outside the lines on “Amen” – TSAX came in with a vision, and he played this idea out with a veteran’s flair like he could do it any day of the week & twice on Sundays.

While it’s fair to say that it’s always going to be tougher to get instrumental music out there into the ears of listeners in this world we’re living in, and even harder when it’s focused in on a narrower slice of the potential audience by being focused on one main instrument like it is in a case like this…I’m still a firm believer that talent like TSAX has will always find its way in the end.  It’s really all about how you choose to define success and what the goals are.  If he’s looking for worldwide fame and accolades, that might take some time…the masses don’t often catch onto stuff like “Amen” right away, that’s the facts.  If he’s looking to simply be proud of what he created, knowing he brought his absolute best to the material, and have anyone out there listening hear the talent he exudes, then of course he’s in great shape.  If he’s hoping that other musicians out there have a listen to this and can’t possibly ignore the technique he’s got & the sensational sound of his saxophone playing…I’d also put a high probability on that as well.  I would think any dedicated artist out there can hear the genuine passion TSAX clearly has for playing the saxophone, and how he’s authentically feeling every note and tone he plays.  For myself personally, just a guy that’s built a life on listening to music of all kinds in every style and genre you can think of, sure…I spent a lot of my youth playing music too, but never at an all-star level like TSAX is now.

What I’m hearing is the sound of a real artist that has dedicated and applied himself to his instrument of choice with the true level of focus & commitment it takes to achieve greatness – and he should be proud of that.  Mighty proud, in my opinion.  From the moment “Amen” opens up to reveal him playing, he takes us all on a journey through his musicianship, and it’s a pure joy to listen to radiant color & fluidity flow so freely in a song like this.  Is it going to be enough to convince those outside of the instrumental realm to come on in and listen?  Maybe!  I mean, for real, we all gotta find our way in somehow, and this song is as good as any could be in that regard, because TSAX plays in such a confident & convincing way.  I ain’t saying that it won’t be a tough sell in today’s world, because of course it is, instrumental music so rarely makes its way into the thick of the mainstream, but for those out there that genuinely appreciate outstanding musicianship and real heart in what they listen to, turn up “Amen,” because you’ll love it.

It says right on his website that “emotions matter” when it comes to making music, and he’s absolutely right about that.  That’s what you’re really hearing when you listen to the music of TSAX – emotions that that are guaranteed to move you, because music truly means something and matters to this man, 100%.  He’s invested in every note and tone you’ll hear, and as a result, our ears are more than happy to listen.

Find out more about TSAX from his official website at:  https://tsaxofficial.tilda.ws and check out his page at Instagram here:  https://www.instagram.com/tsaxofficial

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