Trevor Petrie And The War Of Ideas – “Intersection”

Trevor Petrie And The War Of Ideas – “Intersection” – Single Review
Armed with warm, inviting tones and melodies – Trevor Petrie And The War Of Ideas have just released the brand new single “Intersection” all the way from Australia to my eardrums over here in Canada. That alone is impressive; let’s not forget how truly far away these melodic-music-minstrels are…but as much as I’d like to think this new song was released just for myself alone…I’m pretty sure it’s out there online for all of us now…
Well, in fact, I know it is – which is exactly why I’m here right now.
Since being turned onto the music of Trevor Petrie And The War Of Ideas nearly a year ago now, I’ve been drawn to the real melody, heart and sweetness you can find in their thoughtful tunes. No exception to their unwritten-rule and true to their own authentic sound on their new song “Intersection;” a tune that deals with life and getting to those tough spots of self-examination and a choice of direction for the future.
The song begins slowly and acoustically before adding subtle bass alongside Petrie’s wavering-confidence and conscious-tone; the tone & direction he’s taken the vocals works well for the subject matter in the song…almost as if he’s still at that very crossroad right while we’re listening and still somewhat unsure of just which way to go. It’s a solemn moment in song, but emotionally-present and genuine in feel. Certainly can’t argue with the performances here; it’s a somewhat minimalist & stripped-down tune but executed with true grace from this gifted three-piece.
Personally I really dig how the tune just lets me wander mentally with it – music can be very strange how it springs memories on you from your past just from hearing similar sounds. For no reason other than the relatable qualities and comforting feeling I’ve gotten from “Intersection,” I’ve already thought about my grandma and some random craft I built her when I was about FOUR, staying awake all night long listening to R.E.M.’s Automatic For The People on cassette, and camping out in the backyard of an ex-girlfriend’s house in a tent on the trampoline reading poetry all night. There’s nothing technically even about the songs or music that I necessarily notice in these moments where memories find me…but they all stop, dissipate and hide whenever it stops. I’ve hit repeat on “Intersection” many, many times tonight…because I think it really DOES say something about a song when it can relax your mind to the point where it roams & searches for more ways to continue the pleasant vibe you’re experiencing on its own without you even knowing.
And I’m THANKFUL…again, as always, that we live in a day and age where I CAN hear Trevor Petrie, Ben Smith and Tom Anderson all making their music from way over there in the land down-under. I still maintain that Australia as a whole makes music at the highest level right now and has been for several years. This very tune “Intersection,” could very well be a song that Paul Dempsey himself might write in his solo work or through Something For Kate. I suppose…in many ways really, this particular sound of Trevor Petrie And The War Of Ideas is one that I’ve come to associate with that entire continent. It’s thoughtful music that makes you think and eases the mind; I can’t vouch for the guy once he hits the pub and has a pint or seven…but here on the recording of “Intersection” it all sounds as intimate as a rare, isolated moment of music coming to life right before your eyes & ears in your own living room.
Find out more about Trevor Petrie And The War Of Ideas here at Facebook: and here at their official page:
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