Tony Orion & Chuck Berry – “Trappin Ain’t Dead”

This might just be the most proactive track you’ll hear this year! Trappin just got here didn’t it?
Well apparently, “Trappin Ain’t Dead” neither folks – and it sure sounds alive & thrivin’ on this new cut from trappers Tony Orion & Chuck Berry. LISTEN to the grit & menacingly raw tones in these hot bars they’re spittin’ – you can’t fake that! You KNOW these boys are serious about what they’re sayin’ by HOW they’re sayin’ it – you feel me? Chillin’ in the sixteens with giant hooks that are memorable & rhythmic – they sound large & in-charge on “Trappin Ain’t Dead” and give you all the proof you need that their style of music is strong enough to be around for a long, long time to come. Trappin is here to stay y’all…best you know that.
The new single “Trappin Ain’t Dead” is produced by Interscope/SoSay International Recording artist Tito 6 – and this entire crew is already makin’ moves all throughout Detroit, Michigan…they sound hungry and ready to go take over the world…they might be local now, but combined they’ve got the talent to go global.
Find music from Tony Orion at Spotify here:
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