TICTO – “Waking You Up” Feat. Mara

TICTO – “Waking You Up” Feat. Mara – Single Review
Not that I’m complaining about the quality, which has been excellent, but it’s nice to change up the vibe to something different here in the studio today…been listening to rap/hip-hop for much of my time reviewing this afternoon. Here to brighten up the mood and part the clouds – TICTO has released a brand new electro-pop jam that is designed to put a smile right in the middle of your whole face. “Waking You Up” is a dreamy tune full of beautiful flowing sounds and fantastic, soaring vocals in an assist from singer Mara of Amsterdam.
The result is an extraordinarily gorgeous song that features the real strength of the collaboration between TICTO and Mara – this is seriously a combination that works wonderfully together. Mara’s vocals are pure gold – she sings with incredible heart and keeps the tones in her vocals absolutely spot-on throughout “Waking You Up” in a truly captivating performance. TONS of hooks in the vocals, backing vocals, the beat, the music – basically everywhere you turn you’re running into more of the playful & sweet sound that makes this track truly shine. Not a bad problem to have if you ask me!
The combination of music that TICTO has constructed flows perfectly and has stunning accenting energy that really works well with the vocals. Through rhythmic guitars, massive drums and additional electro-elements and low-end creating an insatiable sound you’ll be sure to crave – TICTO has created an enormous song that drips entertainment from its every pore. The music has a ton of powerful dynamics, incredible sounds and flowing movement – and combined with the beautiful sound of Mara’s vocals, “Waking You Up” continues to shine with dreamy-pop bliss and cheer at every moment.
As much as I loved the beat and the music – I think it was Mara that really pulled me into the entire composition. Don’t get me wrong – I still think this would be a strong song if it was only an instrumental – but I also think that there’s a certain innocent magic that Mara brings to this wild rhythm that makes the entire song go from good to great. “Waking You Up” sounds impressively inviting all the way through – and that’s actually quite an accomplishment considering the vibrant enormity of the overall sound. “Waking You Up” is big & bold enough in size & scope to scare lions back into the jungle…but because of how warm & inviting the entire melody truly is, chances are those same lions would turn into playful pussycats batting around giant balls of yarn and having fun. At least that’s my working theory…
But you get the idea I’m sure. TICTO has created a truly impressive and powerful peaceful moment with “Waking You Up” – the kind of song so sunny & warm that you’d want to start every morning with it as your personal anthem. I like that the combination of electro-pop still sounds incredibly fresh and new – this kind of sweetness & vibrant sound mixed together isn’t something you stumble upon every day, but you sure remember it when you do.
And I’ll remember this for sure. It’d be my sincere hope that TICTO and Mara continue to explore many ideas and much more music together…because I truly think they’ve found a winning combination here. Kind of reminds me of Oh Land in a way…maybe just a tad sweeter…if that’s even possible. But I certainly think both sides of this story, the music and the vocals, tell one immaculately sweet tale together and could certainly stand to write several more chapters of this – I know I’d be interested! “Waking You Up” is a wonderful escape into dreamland from the everyday grind of life…a song that celebrates melody and is truly enchanting through the talented combination of its performing artists.
Find TICTO at Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/track/0wN0oOXmZV4envhQQcjrvz
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