Illeeria – “Girl On Fire” / “Girl On Fire” (Inferno Version)
Three AM Fuxk – “Cy@”

Three AM Fuxk – “Cy@” – Music Video Release/Review
Well one thing is absolutely for sure – I’ve got to spend a lot more time in Estonia apparently! I dig nature, I dig smoking weed, and I dig chilling out & watching ants after I’ve BEEN smoking weed – so from the looks of things, Three AM Fuxk & I would get along just fine if we ever got the chance to hang.
I suppose it’s probably a long way for either of us to swim though, given that we’re here in Canada – but come on people – how cool is that? Estonia! I’ll never stop being amazed at the opportunity that reviewing music has afforded me, allowing for the possibility to connect to artists that are so far away. I’ve never been to Estonia…many of you reading this likely haven’t been there either – to be able to get an idea of what the music-scene might be like or a glimpse of what the art might be like over there via independent artists like Three AM Fuxk is such a rad way to experience another culture or get a peek at the styles, genres, and sounds that are connecting with the people somewhere that’s not right outside your door. Sometimes the differences between us can lead to a whole new perspective on culture & art – and conversely, sometimes the similarities in music can show us just how unified we all are, together.
There’s a really solid vibe on “Cy@” that I think a lot of people will connect with, especially due to the amount of crossover potential that Three AM Fuxk presents in his style. While he’s ‘doing mostly Hip-Hop, but also singing’ – he’s also blending a fusion of sounds together that’ll grab the attention of people from all sorts of genres. When it comes to the case of a track like “Cy@,” you’ll hear the chilled-out Hip-Hop vibe of course, but you’ll also hear remarkably noticeable indie-like qualities that you’d hear in a lot of your favorite bands as well in the production and how the sound of this single came out. There’s a distance in the vocals through the reverb-laden sound that you’d typically associate with indie or even folk music; even the gentle music of “Cy@” isn’t what you’d normally think of when you’re thinking of Hip-Hop – and while sometimes that means an artist is walking their own path or blazing their own trail & it can take a moment for the people to catch on…perspective, is invaluable. And I suppose at the end of the day, that’s what I’m seeing & hearing here on Three AM Fuxk’s new cut/video – I feel like I’m looking at & listening to an artist that’s doing what comes organically & naturally to him. Whether or not everyone out there ‘gets it’ right away or they don’t, doesn’t really factor in. If Three AM Fuxk continues to follow his own original instincts like he is on “Cy@” – the people WILL find him. He’s obviously still a young dude with a lot of career and evolution still ahead of him – but I think if you have a good listen to “Cy@” that you’ll find there really is something here…that he DOES have that all-important perspective that an artist needs to have in order to separate themselves from the rest out there. While it’s still in its early stages now, there’s no doubt that what Three AM Fuxk has started could continue to develop into a really strong & identifiable sound & signature style over the years to follow.
As it stands now, I’d say he’s definitely on the right path for his music, plus I dig the one he’s on in the video he’s got for “Cy@” as well! Excellently shot & edited video…smartly uncomplicated, clean & clear, the visuals good use of the space & isolation to suit the vibe of the song onscreen. Three AM Fuxk is in like, a half-rap/half-singing gear here…you could argue he’s doing both at the exact same time, which I think is also part of what makes his stylistically delivery unique…definitely an asset for this artist. He’s got a cleverly dreamy & hazy mix that floats through the atmosphere of the music on this track while he relates his thoughts to us in his words, wandering through the forest as he muses on life, love, and of course, smoking weed, all in a tenderized, melodic vibe that invites you in to listen. And while a lot of the lyricism might be on the downtrodden-side, it’s clearly a reflection of his own genuine thoughts & experiences…you get his authentic perspective on how he sees & views the world – and it comes out sounding completely sincere. In other words, it might be sad or melancholy at times, but he’s speaking his truth with artistic confidence, expressing his thoughts & feelings in a way that we can relate to, and that he can process personally. Solid tune, solid video…and I think that, even though “Cy@” remains in its chilled-out & slow-moving style – this artist is going to be one to evolve rapidly. Be ready.
Find out more about Three AM Fuxk at the official pages below!
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