thinkbendy – “Low Down”

thinkbendy – “Low Down” – Single Review
Alright…I can get behind this. Quite a bit about “Low Down” excites me greatly.
Interesting stuff straight off the drop, the piano-led intro immediately tells ya that you’re in-store for something a lil’ different, and the trumpet that comes along with it soon after confirms it – you add in the bass, drums, noodlin’ from the ol’ guitar, and the wild personality of the vocals, and voila – just like that, you’ve found your way into the heart of one seriously lively & colorful new single by thinkbendy. A cut pulled from their latest record called The Essence Of Time – “Low Down” is all kinds of riotous fun and a real display of versatile instrumentation that completely hits the mark. The spirits are UP here – don’t let the title fool ya – thinkbendy is right into this tune, and as a result, chances are, so too, are you.
I’ll tell ya this much…it is beyond rare that I could personally come out of a listening experience with any given tune, feeling somewhat indifferent about the chorus where you typically find the main hooks, and still end up wanting to rant & rave over the rest with full support – but that’s exactly the case here. Don’t get me wrong…the chorus is alright…it’s just a hair short of being an anti-chorus in the sense that it doesn’t quite move the energy forward so much as hold the song up on repeat for a bar here & there – I ain’t necessarily for or against it…I’m just tellin’ ya that the majority of what makes this song as truly fascinating, and addictive as it is accessible, is found within everything else is all – that’s the real “Low Down” right there in-print for ya. Basically it just boils down to the writing in that particular moment, and whether or not that particular part of the song will hold up as strong as the rest over time, which I suspect is a huge ask of the chorus in this cut by comparison to the rest of the song and the many twists & turns of creativity you’ll find on display throughout the verses and musicianship. The natural appeal of these more imaginative ideas surrounding where you’d normally find the main hooks in the chorus speaks volumes on behalf of the real potential that exists in thinkbendy & how much they’re capable of.
Because…I mean…C’MON y’all – listen to the guitar that starts up this tune before the vocals have even started – that’s immediately enticing, it sounds spectacular, and it proudly beams out the invitation to have some genuine FUN as we listen to “Low Down.” The guitar’s comin’ courtesy of Rob Salzer, who brings authentic passion to every note & tone he plays…no joke folks, it’s a serious JOY to listen to this guy roam the fret-boards. The vocals of Adam Bendy are essential to “Low Down” of course…the man’s got enough energy & personality to supply five bands when it comes right down to it – and the keys he’s laid into this tune guides this song’s direction through its ever-morphing demeanor, moods, and styles. The drums of Devon Leigh are a spectacular fit and delivered with even-handed professionalism & a crisp snap of the snare…I dig the timing shifts, how “Low Down” is unafraid to find the organic roots of what makes music come alive through our speakers, and how they let loose with their instrumentation. Tons of uniqueness in the way they move through the middle of this tune and dip into the solos & whatnot – thinkbendy can’t help but stand out in just about every conceivable way you can think of – and I haven’t even got to how AMAZING the trumpet of Dr. Thomas Manuel is yet! Good gravyboat lighthouse y’all – this dude has got CHOPS and style for miles – and much like the noodlin’ on the ol’ guitar, the trumpet is an equal joy to listen to, every time it shows up, right to the squelch of its finale. Apparently, the dude’s Bendy’s real-life cousin as well – and a doctor no less! I’ve heard some real stellar trumpet players in my time dear readers, dear friends…they don’t usually come from the medical field, you dig? As far as my ears are concerned, Manuel’s got himself a whole second career if he wants it…I know it’s no small achievement to do all that studyin’ & all…but…like…I mean…you’re HEARING this TOO right? The man makes magic happen on the trumpet…that ain’t an opinion, that’s a fact – check out the solo around the 2:15 mark if you need further proof…this guy’s a serious gem, somehow still managing to stand out on the inside of a band that has nothing less than completely impressive musicianship goin’ on at all times. The main hooks of “Low Down” IS the personality you find in the way they play together…and how massively enticing that truly is, should not be understated – thinkbendy has a ton of fresh ideas, exciting versatility, and vividly colorful sound that’d keep anyone entertained.
Find out more about thinkbendy from the official website at:
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