The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #09 – Kiev

 The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #09 – Kiev

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023:  #09 – Kiev – Manifest

Let this be a lesson to you all – if I haven’t heard it yet, then it’s still new music to me!  We get all kinds of submissions throughout the year, and as long as they’re EPs and albums, they qualify for our top ten list at the end – even if they’re from the past.  Kiev’s Manifest was technically released towards the end of 2022, but we didn’t get around to reviewing it here until early 2023 – so heck yeah it qualifies!  Dude deserves his spot on our list too – there have been several years where he came real close to making it already, but Manifest showed the man in his finest form, creating thought-provoking rhymes and Rap designed to make an impact.  Awesome to hear this guy shift his gears towards greatness and release his most powerful & potent music to-date – Kiev has become a verifiable verbal all-star by every measure.

Join us in congratulating Kiev for reaching the ninth spot in our quest for this year’s Best New Sound!

Read the full review on Kiev’s Manifest at sleepingbagstudios by clicking here.

Find out more about Kiev from this multi-link:


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"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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