The SBS Top 10 Of 2022: #07 – Noho Fidel And _______ – Collaboratorium

 The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #07 – Noho Fidel And _______ – Collaboratorium

The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #07 – Noho Fidel And _______ – Collaboratorium

One of the most unexpected joys in music to be found this year was on Noho Fidel And _______ – Collaboratorium – which was a record built of exceptional collaborations with the Chilean-American producer behind it all, Noho Fidel.  Instrumental uniqueness and creativity abound, with an intense level of fluidity in tandem with the sparkling clarity of its production, Collaboratorium was a tight set of songs you can feel.  It was definitely one of those records you push play on, and never really know what it is you’re going to find next, but within about ten seconds of any given track, you know you’ve found something that’ll be immensely satisfying to your soul & to your speakers.  It’s always awesome to have something in music that seems to come straight outta left field, and Collaboratorium was definitely one of the raddest finds on our playlists this year in that regard.  Join us in congratulating Noho Fidel And ________ for a top-shelf experience from start to finish!

Read the full review on Noho Fidel And ______’s new  record Collaboratorium at sleepingbagstudios by clicking here.



"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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