The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #02 – Richard Self – Lives Of The Ignorant Part 2

 The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #02 – Richard Self – Lives Of The Ignorant Part 2

The SBS Top 10 Of 2022:  #02 – Richard Self – Lives Of The Ignorant Part 2

What a wild ride this dude created this year!  Richard Self put together one of the most exploratory and inventive records we’ve heard in a long time, complete with all the ambitious adventurousness and mind-blowing instrumentation you’d wanna hear along with it.  From the cleverness of the opening sample and how it set the stage for the entire storyline to follow, to the stunning single-worthy songs that followed, Lives Of The Ignorant Part 2 proved to be the gift that truly kept on giving.  We truly had no idea what to expect when Richard’s record came our way, and no matter what our wildest hopes or expectations could have been, this album would have still exceeded them in every possible way.  As smart as it is sonically spectacular – Self created a genuine voyage into the mind’s eye and straight into the beyond, opening up a gateway into a universe of sound to truly be proud of.  There’s not a doubt in our minds that we’d listen to anything this dude creates from here on in after the impeccably high standards he set with Lives Of The Ignorant Part 2 – join us in congratulating Richard for creating an album that completely celebrates uniqueness and taking us all on an extraordinary trip unlike any other.

Read the full review on Richard Self’s new record Lives Of The Ignorant Part 2 at sleepingbagstudios by clicking here.



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