The Neverines – “Revolution”

The Neverines – “Revolution” – Single Review
It’s pretty darn easy to become addicted to this big shiny tune right here, yes indeed. Consider yourselves warned, and take it from a guy with firsthand experience…y’all know I never have the music I’m listening to for too long, but I can always tell ya what makes an instant impression just like anyone else. Not a doubt in my mind that The Neverines have a seriously wild single on their hands, and a verifiable hit in the making with “Revolution” – this cut is absolutely loaded to the gills with substance & style. It’s all about making sure the people out there have a listen now…so let’s help that along here…
I’d imagine it feels real good to be in The Neverines right now…at the very least, I can tell ya it sure sounds like it based on everything I’ve experienced in listening to “Revolution” & checking out the flashy video that they’ve got supporting it. From what it looks like online, in the world according to Spotify & such…The Neverines were rockin’ it back in 2013 with their album Polarize…went on to release their next record Carpe Noctem in 2015…the video for “Bloodlines” put out the same year…and then…here we are now…entertain us? They seemed to have returned after quite the hiatus from releasing music online, with evidence of “Revolution” being dropped on some platforms back in April of 2020, before its more mainstream release just now here in 2022 to YouTube & whatnot. Anyhow…you get the point – it seems like we’ve got confirmation that they’re back in action on the regular once again & have been for at least a couple years now…honestly, from what I can tell, these guys are constantly playing live shows all the time out there & hopefully that momentum keeps going. I know if I was making music like what The Neverines have created here with “Revolution,” I’d never wanna stop making more…so fingers crossed…this new single could be a sign of much more to follow. You all know what it’s like when you feel that inspiration surge through ya, it can be a massively powerful thing to experience…a track like “Revolution” is well worth getting excited about, and could very well be the spark that ignites the next blaze of creativity & new record from this band based outta the Cayman Islands. I’m 100% all about encouraging The Neverines to keep kickin’ out the jams if they’re gonna sound as straight-up stellar as they do on “Revolution” – this cut absolutely rocks! Where have these guys been hiding on us all?
The most you’ll find me conceding to ya is that the vocals can be a lil’ masked by the music at times – but like…when you hear how awesome the music on “Revolution” IS, it’d be impossible to complain. Besides that…if you’re like myself, and dig on really big sound, that’s the approach you wanna take – you get to a track as addictive as this is with the instruments up, the vocals sitting right in the thick of the mix…and voila – songs instantly start to sound BIGGER, BADDER & RADDER, just like you experience in this single here. I’d love to say catching every word is among the top priorities of listeners out there, but to be entirely honest with ya, it’s not…the majority of’em will do just fine, and as long as there’s tangible melody to move the people listening, you’ll be on solid ground. “Revolution” is a great example of this in action; what you will catch lyrically is compelling & insightful…what you don’t hear word-for-word will still supply ya with enough of that sweet-sweet Indie-Rock melody for you to make up your own and sing along however ya wanna. For a moment there, as it all began, I thought they might even be about to somehow cover “Lemon Cake” by Man Made Lake as the pulse of the intro sparked to life…but not too long afterwards, “Revolution” goes on to diversify itself from that comparison and become a much more melodically-inclined Rock song. This whole track is built on seriously irresistible vibes – you can FEEL “Revolution” as it plays, and that is indeed, a glorious thing to experience in real time, lemme assure ya.
For REAL – these guys sound freakin’ fantastic! Not a damn thing about “Revolution” that I’d personally even think about changing…I love this track exactly as it is, and I’m completely stoked about the radiant performance this band has put into this single from start to finish. Vocals are great, music is too – they check all the right boxes, and quickly too; no joke folks, The Neverines had me at hello. I don’t know what we all gotta do to collectively encourage them to make a whole lot more of THIS…but let’s all actively take part in doing that eh? “Revolution” is what single-worthy sound worth turning UP is all about; I can’t get enough of it.
Find out more about The Neverines at their official page at Facebook here:
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