The Jorgensens – “Storyville”

The Jorgensens – “Storyville” – Single Review
The Jorgensens are jumping the queue a bit here…cause I have to write about this tune right NOW!
It’s beyond perfection, straight-up – this is what the Soul sound is all about – welcome to “Storyville.”
Although, I’ll fully admit, I’m a complete sucker for a great guitar-face, which is what Kurt Jorgensen certainly has, & you get to see it immediately in the brand-new video for The Jorgensens latest single – so like, if I’m being entirely honest with ya, the dude kinda had me at hello. Then there was like, all this INCREDIBLE sound, harmonies, and musicianship to follow…which was also cool too. Maybe not guitar-face cool, but c’mon now people, what else really is? When you see a face contort with the bending of a sweet guitar note like they’re one & the same, that’s always gonna be the highlight of my day, just sayin.
Because that’s passion taking over y’all…the grip of the moment…an involuntary response to good times – and you can literally SEE that manifest in players like Kurt’s face. I’m tellin’ ya, that’s an awesome trait and a true sign that the musician you’re watching and listening to seriously feels the music being made.
Combined with the fantastic talents of Brianna Tagg-Jorgensen by his side, this remarkable duo describe themselves as “a team in life on and off stage” in their bio – believe me when I tell ya, it sure sounds like it too. “Storyville” has that melodic beauty & warm tone you love in music like The Wallflowers with the powerful voice of an artist like Ray Lamontagne…only if I’m being honest with ya, this single takes these styles of sound and gets that much more of its potential out of it – The Jorgensens bring that sincerity, humbleness, & sweetness you’re looking for in your Soul.
There are additional players & talents surrounding them as well when it comes to “Storyville,” noteworthy ones that bring a ton of personality, character, and strength to this single. Musicians like Jeff King, who lays down essential saxophone parts and also provides downright irresistible charm through the clarinet added into the mix, Lars Carlson’s piano sparkling in the background, Stephen McKinstry’s good ol’ Hammond B3 Organ glowing, and the precision beat of the drums provided by Matt Hertel all make an impressive impact on the final results here. The bonus points go to Jeff for sure, because I can’t remember the last time I can recall feeling like the clarinet was part of the allure or appeal to any song I can think of…so to hear it play such a vibrant & all-out fun role on this single definitely stood out to my ears in all the right ways. No matter how much you might find yourself loving the music or the songwriting too – it’s hard to take your ears off the main stars of the show, and nor would you wanna. Brianna and Kurt sound fantastic together on “Storyville” – and their harmonies are also strengthened with the additional backing vocals provided by Sean Severson; I’m shouting out each & every one of these flawless musicians for their contributions to this tune, because they ALL deserve it.
Absolutely impressed with the instrumentation, and I’m blown away by how outstanding the vocals are in The Jorgensens – all-in-all, start to finish, “Storyville” is the kind of song that makes you stop whatever you’re doing to take a moment & truly listen. As magnetic as music can be, the pull towards this tune is as strong as steel – and the sweetness in the melody, sway, rhythm, & gentle groove you’ll find is just as unbreakable. You can find the video for “Storyville” out & available now online, and the song itself comes from their upcoming second record, called The Lexington Stretch due out in September this year; after everything I’ve heard on this single, I know I’ll be checking that album out. I have the feeling that we’re all going to be in for one seriously soul-satisfying month coming up quickly in 2019 – you heard it here first – The Jorgensens have a great thang goin’ on with “Storyville” and I can’t wait to hear more.
Find out more about The Jorgensens from their official homepage at:
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