The Jolly Pops – “I Want A Puppy”

The Jolly Pops – “I Want A Puppy” – Single Review
SO unfair!
Listen. I don’t know if it’s the video, the kids, the puppies, or the riotous personality that comes along with the music of this song…but the entire combination of what’s happening here completely brought a huge smile to my face. No lie…I feel like, in most circumstances, were it not for all these elements found together here and just left up to the music…I probably would have had a much different reaction in all honesty. Nothing to fault on the execution, just typically a brand of Rock that’s outside of my own personal taste…the BIG kind…the fist-pumpin’ the air kind…I ain’t knockin’ it, tons of people still love it.
Anyhow…I suppose the point is, I ended up loving this too…and chances are, you’ll feel the same way. I mean, if you don’t, all that does is tell the WHOLE WORLD you don’t like kids and puppies and FUN & all, just sayin.’ But hey, I’m not you, live your best life however you feel like you can.
But like LOOK AT THESE PUPPIES will ya? “I Want A Puppy” too! I mean…I’ve got one, but The Jolly Pops have got me thinking I need another while I’m watching this video they’ve got supporting their new single. AND…I have to admit…I completely admire the altruistic nature of this entire dealio they’ve got going on with “I Want A Puppy” – they got Secondhand Hounds of MN to bring in some gorgeous doggos to join in on the fun with all these kids rockin’ out to the music of The Jolly Pops, all in a sincere effort to remind us all just how much these furry little friends of ours need a home & some love from you fine people out there. Check this out for yourself…and if you want a puppy as much as “I Want A Puppy” after seeing it – make sure to reach out to Secondhand Hounds if you’re in the area and adopt one of these beauties from the video below!
Alrighty…so…here’s where I’m at when it comes to the rest…the music & all-that…because OBVIOUSLY I, like you, LOVE this video and the sentiment behind the concept of the song. What really made this work for me…what got me onboard with a bombastic & over-the-top style of Rock song…was the fact that you’d never see that coming from the sweet first moments of puppy-love onscreen in the video. Then all of a sudden, straight out of the blue, this whole thing shifts into an all-out Rock party to the extreme – and you gotta dig the impact such an unexpected twist creates – they had me smiling from that moment forward. When I say over-the-top style of Rock, sure that’s what I mean – but I’m also meaning that in a complementary way – what The Jolly Pops are doing here completely suits this whole concept in the smartest & most juxtaposed ways you could think of. Like making a Dark Industrial tune about the love of grandma’s garden & all the pretty flowers – that’s how widespread the sound & look truly are when it comes to the distance between the innocent kids rockin’ it with the pupperinos and the wild intensity The Jolly Pops are bringing to this Rock song of theirs…the contrast is supreme, but effective. And the real bottom line is, they’re completely INTO IT, which makes all the difference in the world. The Jolly Pops attack every moment of this single, which keeps us equally engaged…the personality, passion, & heart of this band surges through the music & vocals they’ve got goin’ on through “I Want A Puppy.”
It’s furry fun for an important cause – and it makes me want (another) dog. Well-played The Jolly Pops, well-played indeed…visually, audibly, and even metaphorically – cheers to you all for creating this.
Find out more about The Jolly Pops from their official page at:
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