The Humble Grapes – “Brooklyn Bridge”

The Humble Grapes – “Brooklyn Bridge” – Single Review
I am completely impressed with this new-single from The Humble Grapes – let me just say that straight-up and right off the bat. There’s plenty of reasons why…and we’ll get into them all – “Brooklyn Bridge” is a potential crossover-hit that could appeal to a massive range of people from male to female, young & old…I would think it would actually be pretty damn rare to stumble upon someone that didn’t feel extremely positive towards what’s happening in The Humble Grapes and the overall potential of this exciting duo from NYC.
The first thing I noticed about “Brooklyn Bridge” was the writing itself…musically and especially lyrically – it made an immediate impact with the wonderful word-choices and the anti-typical nature of the subject matter in contrast to the music-style and gentle-rhythm. There is a ton of talent and skill on display through the writing of these words, how it all flows and of course, how brilliantly they’re eventually sung by the tremendously capable Brie Capone.
The song starts out incredibly sweetly as it tells its heartbreaking tale with gently played keys from David Kaufman that eventually spread out into beautiful, cascading & fantastically-flowing notes that spur-on the melody and give Brie everything she could ever hope to work with to sing-along to. As the song moves and flows through verse and chorus, the sound of confidence continually increases in a composition that truly builds wonderfully from the time it begins to its dramatic ending.
There is real soul and real beauty in this project…and I really feel like these two together might very well go onto extraordinary things in music; if “Brooklyn Bridge” is any kind of litmus-test for what The Humble Grapes will put out over the course of their career – then they’ve definitely got me listening. The dark-sweetness of this combination is truly inviting in how it sounds…and the performances are absolutely spot-on. I’ll admit…when it hit the bridge…not the Brooklyn one but the one in the writing…I was a little unsure of if/how it fit at first…like maybe it brightened up the darkness in the subtext of this beautiful melody just a tad too much. After repeat listens…I began to feel more and more like I was waiting for this moment to come around again…Brie really brings up the vocals in that spot and reveals just what a powerful singer she can be. When she sings “I’m so scared of losing control” – you almost kind of have to wonder if she’s referring to the extreme-power in her vocals for just a moment!
The resulting combination…I’m not sure if David is entirely responsible for the rest of what we hear or if Brie plays an instrument as well…but the drums, guitar, piano-sounds…it really is fantastically well-played and put-together. The cascading piano notes remind me quite a bit of Eskimo Joe, which would certainly be a comparable sound to what’s happening in The Humble Grapes, there’s a tremendous amount of similarities to their sounds, songs & styles…certainly the use of piano and the writing.
Honestly…it’s been an excellent first experience with The Humble Grapes and this first single “Brooklyn Bridge” that we’ve listened to. Nothing I’d complain about…there simply ISN’T anything to complain about – and I think that it’s completely safe to say that we can expect a high-level of quality from these two in their future as well. Definitely a magic in this music you can hear audibly…one that really can only stem from a true bond between artists…and I think The Humble Grapes will definitely go on to be a name you all remember quite easily in the future to come if they continue to make music as stunning as this new single is. Well done you two!
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