The Arcadeans – “Let It Rain”

 The Arcadeans – “Let It Rain”

The Arcadeans – “Let It Rain” – Music Video Post

This band based outta Cork in Ireland has been so freakin’ busy it looks like they haven’t even had time to celebrate the fact that they’ve hit a huge milestone this year with their band being around for a full decade!  At least, we’re assuming they were around for a minute or two before they put out their debut EP called Another Day way back in September of 2014…but you get the idea – The Arcadeans has been around for a highly commendable length of time, releasing their music on a professional level for ten years or so.  After establishing their name in the game through the Another Day EP, and subsequent records like the Miles & Miles EP (2019) & last year’s Ballad Of A Fallen Man EP, word on the street is that they’re gearing up to drop their brand-new Duplicity EP later on this year – and to get y’all ready for that, they’ve officially released the advance single called “Let It Rain” and its video for you to tune into!

Sounds pro, looks pro – seems like all systems go when it comes to this new single from The Arcadeans, so “Let It Rain” we say – heck, get yourself freakin’ soaked this summer if you’re feelin’ it!  While you might be lookin’ at the sunshine outside your window, rest assured The Arcadeans are here to keep it plenty damp on your playlists with this new song for your soundtrack.  On the bright side of this scenario, you won’t find everything’s all doom and gloom – they might “Let It Rain” onscreen with their visuals and such, but we’re confident you’ll find this track is fueled by burning energy and combustible emotions.  Loaded up with Alt-Rock hooks that beam from the music to the microphone, “Let It Rain” is much more about finding your way through the dank and murky times of life, until you reach that spot where the clouds part and you’re seeing more clearly than ever before.  Don’t let’em fool ya – “Let It Rain” aims to be inspiring through its uplifting vibes and melodically explosive sound, and through the addictive rhythm & groove that they tap into on this single, they’ll have no problem succeeding in their mission to raise your spirits and have you singing along with them on your way to brighter days ahead.

Make sure to find out more about The Arcadeans from the official links below!

Main Website:





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