TaniA Kyllikki – “I Struck Gold With You”

TaniA Kyllikki – “I Struck Gold With You” – Single Review
Alright TaniA…I think you’ve got me this time.
Word on the street is that she wanted “to dedicate this song to her fans for sticking with her as an independent artist and praying for her through her struggles.” I’ve got love for that. TaniA’s battles with her health are well documented out there on the internet, and it’s no secret that just getting to the microphone can be a monumental task for Kyllikki even on the best of days. In that respect, it’s certainly inspiring to hear her do what she does, and bring an undeniable passion to her vocals when it couldn’t be easy…she’s a genuine testament to following your dreams and never giving up on them no matter what comes your way. Her fans out there are listening and learning from the example she’s setting.
As you’ll find me saying often on these pages of ours, the more YOU there is in the music YOU make, the better the results tend to be. No matter how many times I make that comment, it still seems like the most important one to repeat…music and entertainment are generally regarded as a very plastic realm where things are built on fantasy, yet the artists & bands out there that secure the most loyal fan-bases are the ones that let us in on the inside. It’s the people out there that are unafraid to reveal their own vulnerabilities, insecurities, emotions, and unfiltered thoughts…those are the artists that understand the listeners out there are looking for their heroes to connect with them on a much more personal level. So – it’s in saying all that, that I think I can say TaniA Kyllikki is finding her way to the sound that suits her the best, and that a song like “I Struck Gold With You” is proof that true sincerity makes a real impact.
From what I understand, “I Struck Gold With You” is pretty much about her relationship with Rynellton, who also played a role in producing this single, in addition to being a significant part of the inspiration behind it as TaniA’s husband. Cue the awwwwwwwws, am I right? For real though – sweetness is something that never has too tough a time translating through the airwaves of our speakers as we listen on the other side…we connect with love-songs, no matter how many of’em we’ve heard throughout the years. That being said, there’s a difference between just writing another one to add to the stack that already exist, and finding that crucial way to put a personal twist on the genre in a way that’ll allow the moment to last a little longer. You’ve all heard my opinion on how to go about doing that, which is to ensure that YOU have got some YOU in the music, and that’s what TaniA’s done so well with this single. You can hear that “I Struck Gold With You” comes from the heart, you can hear it means something to her, and ultimately, that’s the kind of stuff that matters the most when it comes to crafting a love-song. A lot of how we experience her sincerity comes through her vocals of course – singing is what she does, and she puts in a noteworthy performance here that fully supports the sentiment of her song, as does the lyrics she’s written, which echo the love she’s happily shared with Rynellton over the past decade.
So while I don’t want to give ya the impression that I’m gonna be over here watching a bunch of Hallmark movies and reading a ton of romance novels as a result of listening to “I Struck Gold With You” – I do appreciate a genuine love story the same as any of us do when we’re lucky enough to witness one. The sweetness you’ll find in the heart of TaniA’s lyricism is something we can all identify with…whether it’s a love like you’ve personally experienced, or a love that you’ve always dreamed about, we know what Kyllikki is singing about because we FEEL IT on the inside, and connect to the words she’s written. Not that my personal opinion should even be the end-all and be-all for anyone out there, but from my perspective, she should be truly proud of the heart she’s put into this song. Complete with a mix that’s more natural, TaniA’s vocals have that unfiltered, raw, and real sound that people wanna hear – this is the sound of an artist that is grounded, focused, and ready for this moment. As a result, I feel like we can say with confidence that this single is probably the best we’ve heard TaniA Kyllikki so far to-date.
Is it PERFECT? You know what? It’s a perfect moment in time – and while that might be a little bit different than the textbook definition of whatever notion of perfection each individual may have, look at a song like this from the context of TaniA and Rynellton’s relationship and how this encapsulates what that means to them in such a wonderfully tributary way. If you’re looking at me to be the guy to start hatin’ on love for no justifiable reason, you aren’t gonna find that here…not today, not ever. I believe that an authentic expression of love always has a home here on these pages of ours, and in the speakers of millions of listeners around the globe. The most you’re going to find me conceding to you this time around is that I felt like Kyllikki might have left the strongest hook in “I Struck Gold With You” on the shelf until the very end with about thirty seconds left to go…I probably would have been really tempted to add that in earlier, or build the bulk of this song around that to be truthful…but I’ll also admit that it creates a substantial finale to this single that works well in its favor as well. She gives you a very strong reason to repeat it at the end of “I Struck Gold With You” – let’s put it that way instead, shall we? It’s great to hear TaniA come out with such a tightly focused song from the writing to her performance that speaks straight from the heart like this single does – it’s a stellar indication that the new material on her upcoming second album, called Free-Spirited, quite likely contains the best music she’s made so far.
Find out more about TaniA Kyllikki at this multi-link here: https://ditto.fm/i-struck-gold-with-you
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