SBS Podcast 155

Crack open the can y’all – it’s Friday night and it’s time for some new tunes! And where better to find’em than right here on the SBS Podcast, back with another Proof Of Purchase special – Volume 20 – fully loaded with music we purloined from Bandcamp Fridays all the way back at the end […]Read More

Sofi Maeda – “Ashita”

Alrighty folks…if you tuned into the SBS Podcast yesterday, you were expecting this post at our page here at the homepage today as we continue to dive into the music of artist Sofi Maeda.  We played her stellar new single “Ashita” on the show, and then I ranted & raved about her a whole bunch […]Read More

SBS Podcast 104

Back in action early in October with full set of audio awesomeness and all kinds of info on the independent scene in-store for ya!  We’ll be featuring cuts from Sofi Maeda, Isaac M, and Halloween Hopes, and of course we’ll be spinning a whole bunch more music for you along the way, including incredible songs […]Read More