Reegonetti Band – Songs From The Raven’s Nest

Reegonetti Band – Songs From The Raven’s Nest – Album Review You know how they old saying goes…four decades to make your first album, less than three years to make your second.  It’s something like that.  People say something similar to that.  I think.  Maybe? Ohhhh right, it’s ‘a lifetime to make your first record, […]Read More

Reegonetti Band – Exploring The Unknown

Reegonetti Band – Exploring The Unknown – Album Review For what it’s worth boys, I’m proud of ya. After being introduced to Reegonetti Band earlier this year through the single “Reach For The Sky” back in May this year, it was more than apparent just how hard this two-man group had been working on their […]Read More

Reegonetti Band – “Reach For The Sky”

Reegonetti Band – “Reach For The Sky” – Single Review As you would have heard by now on the most recent episode of the SBS Podcast, two musical-outsiders, Börje Reinholdsson and Ronald Vikström, have been on quite the journey to get their music out there into the world.  Based out of Sweden, Reegonetti Band is […]Read More

SBS Podcast 122

You know what to do – tune in & turn up! We’ve got a stellar lineup of musical melodies, instrumentals, and more in-store for ya on this episode of the SBS Podcast – come have a listen to what’s happening out there in the independent scene we all love & share together!  We’ll be talking […]Read More