With so much amazing new music happening out there in the scene before the end of 2021, we take a trip into the heart of it all to learn about a whole range of incredible stuff goin’ on! We’ll be spinning tunes from Annie Becker, Bruce Cohen, Azwel, and Ete AhPing along the way, in […]Read More
Polyphonic Exophilia – “GROOVIN’” Feat. Canek – Single Review For those of you out there that read these pages of ours on the regular, you’re probably quite familiar with the name Polyphonic Exophilia by now…and believe me when I tell ya, I’m far from done talking about this Cosmic-Funk/Progressive-Jazz band based outta Norway. They’ve been […]Read More
Polyphonic Exophilia – “夢狂い” Feat. Taku`– Music Video Post It should be no surprise to anyone out there that’s already found their way into the insatiably cool vibes and cosmic tunes coming outta Polyphonic Exophilia this year, that their music is not only played by an extraordinary plethora of collective talent, but that in adopting […]Read More
Polyphonic Exophilia – Vol. 3 – EP Review If you’ve been anywhere within earshot of me or my speakers here in the studio since about…oh say, August this year…you’ve definitely heard the music of Polyphonic Exophilia and a whole lot about what I’ve had to say regarding this unique Norway-based audio awesomeness. Of all the […]Read More
We take ya from the light into the dark and all the shades of sound in between through a diverse array of talented innovators, stellar melodies, and all-out great songs on this episode of the SBS Podcast – you know what to do y’all – tune in & turn up! We’ll be spinning a list […]Read More
Polyphonic Exophilia – Vol. 2 – EP Review It’s all about the music, man. “All members of the PPXP maintains anonymity to sustain a pure focus on the music and preserve a degree of artistic leeway without any unintended disturbance from the members other careers and/or previous genre-specific releases.” #FairEnough #Respect Sure thing y’all…I’ve got […]Read More