Joho – southside thrill ride

Joho – southside thrill ride – Album Review There is never going to be a time where I’m not looking forward to more from Joho – that’s facts. It’s freakin’ insane to think that it’s somehow only been just barely over FIVE YEARS since I first started to listen to this guy’s music, and that […]Read More

SBS Podcast 163

From the humble acoustic sounds of our independent music scene to the raw & still yet to be fully refined, we’ve got a full list filled with compelling ideas and great tunes you should hear on this new episode of the SBS Podcast!  We’ll be featuring tracks by Outfielder, FVRMN, HelloHeathen, Izzie’s Caravan, JOHO, Sprightly […]Read More

Joho – Black American Scumbag

Joho – Black American Scumbag – Album Review Given that I’ve claimed countless times on these pages of ours that there are about a handful of albums out there throughout the entire history of music with more than twelve songs on’em that could be described as perfect…I tell ya folks…the idea of twenty-four tracks is […]Read More

SBS Podcast 151

Come check out a lineup from the early side of sound & a set-list stocked full of the future superstars of tomorrow!  We’ll be spinning songs by Taylor Hall, Life In A Tree, Hannyta, Taylor Roche, 432 Music Way, CASSANDRA, Amanda Barise, JOHO, Annie DiRusso, and our special guest, Antonio de la Torre, who we’ve […]Read More

SBS Podcast 147

It’s about time we got back in the booth to share some new tunes with ya, and we’re doin’ exactly that on this shiny new episode of the SBS Podcast!  We’ll be featuring the latest from TWOFEW and BROCK on the show, in addition to spinning amazing music from Jana Pochop, Swill, SirenBlue, Hochen, Pete […]Read More

SBS Podcast 146

You know you want some of this! And what better time than now?  It’s BANDCAMP FRIDAY y’all – come have a listen to the latest Proof Of Purchase special on the SBS Podcast!  We’ll be playing all kinds of music we gathered from the Bandcamp special back in November of last year for the first […]Read More

January 2022 Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

Another year, another 365 days where this project we’ve been secretly putting out there onto the internet will likely be ignored entirely by the masses out there, right up to & including the people that even make the music!  As undeterred as ever, we are still here as we head towards our first full decade […]Read More

SBS Podcast 142

You know what time it is y’all – tune in & turn up for the SBS Podcast! We’ve got a full set of electrifyin’ diversity for ya on today’s episode, gathered from far & wide throughout the independent music-scene, as always. Join us for a spin through tunes by Joho, Justin Llamas, Plike, Twofish, d […]Read More

Joho – A Beginner’s Guide To True Insanity

Joho – A Beginner’s Guide To True Insanity – Album Review This guy could write the album, the book, and the movie as far as I can tell.  Every time I end up checking out a new Joho record, I end up digging into the numbers & all that kinda stuff…and while I sit here […]Read More

September Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

It is official!  And it only took NINE months y’all – but we found our top 20 people of all time for sure. Not artists, not bands – people!  The whole twenty on this planet that were brave enough to admit they like independent music and subscribe to our channel – they’re phenomenal right?  I […]Read More