Blunt Objects – NUMB

Blunt Objects – NUMB – Album Review Alrighty…we’ve got some more Blunt Objects music for ya here on our pages… I’ll skip the introduction, because I’m pretty sure if you’ve been on this site before you’re probably plenty familiar with the name by now.  It’s that quirky Bill Owens project we know and love, that […]Read More

The Spice Lads With Blunt Objects – Edible Barista

The Spice Lads With Blunt Objects – Edible Barista – EP Review Ohhhh boy…what are these two up to now? We last heard from this collaboration back in March this year, when The Spice Lads released the Astounding Things EP with Blunt Objects, and these Minor Miners are back already with a new record just […]Read More

The Spice Lads with Blunt Objects – Astounding Things

The Spice Lads with Blunt Objects – Astounding Things – EP Review These trippers are back in action trippin’ out again eh?  Right on! As I fired up this latest collaboration between The Spice Lads and Blunt Objects and the opening track “Astounding Things” started up, I had to smile.  Sometimes you just hear an […]Read More

Blunt Objects – No One’s Coming

Blunt Objects – No One’s Coming – Album Review Has it really been since July that I last reviewed the music of Bill Owens in Blunt Objects?  That seems crazy to me…it still feels like it was just yesterday.  I mean…I know I was talking about him yesterday in reviewing a record by Big Bus […]Read More

The Spice Lads with Blunt Objects – Minor Miners

The Spice Lads with Blunt Objects – Minor Miners – Album Review “Enjoy at your own risk — your aural palate may never be quite the same…” Ohhhhhhhh you know a statement like that is gonna get my attention, yes indeed. And as “Icy Fingers” started up Minor Miners, I felt like I knew exactly […]Read More

Blunt Objects – Blobjects

Blunt Objects – Blobjects – Album Review Always awesome to have this man in the mix once again…I’ve been having a great time listening to the music of Bill Owens in his various projects and bands throughout this year, and hopefully there’s a few of you out there that have been feeling the same way […]Read More

Blunt Objects – Shady Shadows

Blunt Objects – Shady Shadows – Album Review Blunt Objects…Blunt Objects…I feel like I should be able to place that name… … …… ………oh RIGHT!  Blunt Objects – the project from Bill Owens that I’ve basically written about all year – THAT Blunt Objects.  Got it.  It has indeed been a month…let’s get back to […]Read More

Blunt Objects – Round Points

Blunt Objects – Round Points – Album Review I’m starting to think Bill’s found an impressive way of getting twice the value out of each tune he creates by having one version appear in what he does with DID NOT!, and another show up on the Blunt Objects albums.  It might not be a bad […]Read More

Blunt Objects – Sharper Than Some

Blunt Objects – Sharper Than Some – Album Review Ayyyy there we go!  I’ve been consistently saying that Bill Owens has been choosing some strange tunes to start his records with in his band Blunt Objects, but “Let’s Have Fun!” at the beginning of Sharper Than Some is a track I don’t think many people […]Read More

Blunt Objects – Safe At Home?

Blunt Objects – Safe At Home? – Album Review We’ll be wading in the era of pandemic tunes for many years to come y’all, I assure ya.  Whether they directly reflect on the situation or document the history of who we were & what was happening at the time, or whether it’s a matter of […]Read More