t dot est – MAD

t dot est – MAD – Album Review
I suppose the question is – is it possible that MAD could be better than the MAGICICADA EP? Anything is possible, even if it seems improbable, right? I already felt like that was one of the better records I heard in 2024 after reviewing the set of four songs from t dot est earlier in the summer. Seems like it’s been a busy year for this project so far, but that’s always a great indication of inspiration, is it not? Let’s see how this new ten-track album measures up to the high standards that have already been set so far this year. More of a good thing should be a great thing, yes?
“TREN LUNAR 404” is a decent tune to start things out – and a prescient song on the album as well if you’re paying close attention. Notice anything strange right off the bat, just by looking at MAD from a distance? Yes…it’s ALL CAPS while the name of t dot est is in lowercase letters, and of course that’s a pain in the ass for any writer out there…but that’s not what I’m on about this time. Look at the song length. You see what I’m saying? Every single track on MAD is 4:04. That’s wild! I’ve only ever come up against that in music from one other artist during my entire twenty-plus years of music journalism. It’s a very neat approach, because it could be powerfully artistic & bold, or it could also end up exposing a kind of self-imposed limitation…but in any event, I’m always all for creators flexing their creativity in unique ways regardless of the results. “TREN LUNAR 404” is a solid beginning that’s not likely going to blow the socks off of your feet, but it does put t dot est on the right track for success with a song that is entertaining and yet still provides plenty of room for the record to grow from here. Very reminiscent of stuff you’d find in the solo catalog of Thom Yorke, who of course has been influenced himself by countless artists found throughout the underground of the Electro realm – maybe even t dot est, we don’t know! I like what I hear on “TREN LUNAR 404” though, and I’d happily listen to it. For as frantic of a pace as much of this song continually moves at, it’s remarkably calming at the same time, which is quite an achievement.
Where t dot est secures a MASSIVE WIN early on in this lineup, is on track two – “ATLAS AMARILLO.” I cannot say enough great things about what I’m hearing on this song…this is the kind of track you’ve simply gotta hear for yourself y’all. As we experienced on the last EP, so much of what made those songs as special & spectacular as they were, was largely in part due to the collaborative effort between t dot est and maga. In the case of “ATLAS AMARILLO,” singer La Bermudez is enlisted to handle the vocals, and we are talkin’ about pure FIREWORKS when it comes to the chemistry you’ll find in this song as a result. I’ll put it to you this way folks…when I got to “ATLAS AMARILLO” and heard the stunning level of depth & dynamics in the music from t dot est, combined with the sensational Spanish vocals of La Bermudez that so expertly infused mystery & beauty into this song…honestly, I was like, ‘good game’ t dot est – because it’s the kind of amazing track that you’d rightly assume is only going to show up once in a lineup, or even in a lifetime. Keeping up with this kind of extraordinary material would obviously be extremely tough, but clearly t dot est must have a plan if “ATLAS AMARILLO” is sitting at track two, right? We have to have a bit of faith based on what we’ve heard in the past and what we hear on this second cut from MAD…t dot est is capable of incredible things, yes – but even I was unsure if I’d end up hearing anything as spellbinding as what has been created in collaboration with La Bermudez here. She is fully beyond awesome, straight up…this song is like something you’d hear on Massive Attack’s 100th Window, which is still right up there with my favorite records some twenty-plus years after its release.
Admittedly, I think “ATLAS AMARILLO” ends up becoming such a significant highlight on this record that any track that could have directly followed it would likely pale a bit by comparison. You can blame ME for feeling that way if you like – or you can place the blame solely on t dot est & La Bermudez where it belongs for creating something so freakishly amazing that it would raise the stakes & standards even higher for the rest to follow…I’ll leave that up to you. “TORO CORRIENDO” featuring Estefa Silvera is a very good song y’all, but the truth is that it’s still likely going to take a few spins through the entire record for it to stand out like it should. You almost have to lessen the impact of “ATLAS AMARILLO” and become acclimatized to it before you can fully appreciate “TORO CORRIENDO,” you know what I mean? Once you get to that point, you have no real choice but to admire the sheer fluidity and seamless sound of a song like “TORO CORRIENDO” and the remarkably flawless performance that Silvera adds to the vocals you’ll hear in this collaboration. The song itself is a designed with a bit more of a delicate vibe and angelic sound…so don’t get me wrong, I think even as it gets the credit its due, it’s still not going to reach the heights of the excitement a track like “ATLAS AMARILLO” will instill in ya…but “TORO CORRIENDO” is commendably close considering how much of a monumental task it would be to live up to the track before it. The real bottom line is, t dot est is clearly still crushin’ it with a lineup filled with exceptional material once again, and “TORO CORRIENDO” further confirms how bulletproof this music genuinely IS at all times. Silvera’s vocals flow like water through the sound of this song…it’s really quite something to experience, and the more that you listen, the more you’ll feel it all flow right through you.
With the opening three tracks being so compelling, by the time you reach “LAS PALMAS” you’re probably going to be just as into this record as I am. Like…for real…you push play on MAD, and by track three, you’ve likely cancelled any/all other appointments you could have had coming up in your week month year day, because listening to THIS is what you’re doing now, and dammit there will be NO interruptions! I’ll be as honest with ya as I am in talking about music by anyone else though, and I’ll be real with ya…I did feel like when it comes to the tracks without a featured guest, my ears felt like they could use one…almost like there was something missing. That being said, I’m an audiophile, as are many of you that read these pages of ours – and I’d be lying to you by omission if I neglected to say how much incredible stuff there is to hear in the production, technique, skill, and sound of t dot est when left to his own devices. Dude is capable of creating wildly flexible vibes and content that is guaranteed to get your body movin’ – and “LAS PALMAS” is another stellar example of the talent of t dot est in its clearest view. Without the featured guests & whatnot to shift your attention, you lock onto the remarkable way that t dot est is able to make music that authentically increases your heart rate. Fueled by digital sound that is filled with color, personality, and activity that pulses & flows from the lefts to the rights, the production is extraordinary…tracks like “LAS PALMAS” go a long way to remind us what we’re really listening to at the core of a record like this…that no matter how awesome its guest stars might be (and are…oh God, they really, really ARE), it still comes down to music that gives them the inspiration and opportunity to be at their best. So ultimately, while “LAS PALMAS” might end up having a tougher time standing out to listeners as a result of not having a featured guest at first, there’s no doubt that it still holds its own and that over time & repeated spins, fans of t dot est will appreciate the attention to detail in music like this.
“ANGEL Y SOL” featuring JXagra would definitely make for a good single to put out there to represent the album and be the gateway in for people to listen, it’s definitely one of the record’s most accessible tracks and has that whole single-worthy vibe to it. No complaints from me here, no real notes either if I’m being honest with ya…I feel like “ANGEL Y SOL” is one of those songs that’ll have no problem at all speaking on its own behalf. Bright, uplifting universal vibes, appealing sound, a stellar performance from the featured guest…”ANGEL Y SOL” has everything in the right place and delivers warm, engaging entertainment. Bonus points for the decision to liven this track up a little more with a minute or so left to go…t dot est decides to add more ingredients to the mix and “ANGEL Y SOL” gets a little more lively, but again, to be truthful with ya, I’d imagine most folks will already be plenty satisfied with how it was already going. The extra versatility on the way into the third minute was simply the cherry on top. I would imagine this track will have no issues securing a favorable verdict in the court of public opinion.
Of all the songs to this point in the record, I’d say “RIO MANZANARES” is likely the least consequential. Not saying it’s a bad track by any stretch of the imagination, there’s just not a whole lot to it in comparison to the rest you’ll find on MAD. What I do like about it is that it’s got a very interpretive vibe to it…some are going to find it ominous, some will find it beautiful and/or fascinating, and I’d reckon that each person listening will have their own different reaction to it. Think of it like audible art…a sonic mural of sorts…you’ll hear it, you’ll absorb it, and you’ll be whisked away to wherever it is that your mind takes you when you end up in some kind of meditative trance. So it’s kind of like something you experience in tandem with t dot est, you know what I mean? He provides the opportunity for you and your mind to float away with “RIO MANZANARES,” but where you end up going is way more up to you. Personally, I find “RIO MANZANARES” very calming and soul soothing…you might feel totally different.
N1E comes in to assist on the vocals for “SIETE GATOS NEGROS” and get the energy flowing again on MAD, which I’d say was a good idea. t dot est seems to be at his best when having a guest appearance in the mix, and while something like “SIETE GATOS NEGROS” comes out a little more on the expected side of Electro to a degree, I feel like it’s a song that continually grows, expands, and becomes more entertaining from its start to finish. N1E has quite an exceptional voice…a great mix of angelic grace and the confidence of a veteran entertainer…she’s got this curious way of catching our interest as the song begins, but there’s no doubt that it works. I really liked how “SIETE GATOS NEGROS” is designed with a call & answer approach to it…like, you’ll find it sounds like N1E is responding to the music surrounding her, and vice versa – it makes for a highly dynamic experience all around. The real meat in this sandwich is found right in the middle of the song…I like the uniqueness in the beginning, I think the twist in the finale was effective and stood out, but it’s the midsection of “SIETE GATOS NEGROS” that will get you seriously excited about it & coming back to listen again. Great use of textures, tones, and technique from t dot est throughout “SIETE GATOS NEGROS” where his musical expertise shines as bright as ever.
As far as tracks that are tremendously different than the rest are concerned, I think “TRANSMITE PAZ” will likely be easily recognized as the largest deviation from the norm. Another solid achievement for t dot est in terms of having “TRANSMITE PAZ” still feel like it belongs in this particular lineup for how undeniably different it is, and another stellar win for the combination of art & music – I think a lot of people out there will really stop whatever else they’re doing at the moment and take notice of this song. Is that largely because of singer Laura Gomez? YES. Yes it is. Clearly trained in the classical/opera realm of music, her vocals are nothing short of awe-inspiring to listen to, and to hear how she fits into this song is nothing short of a genuine accomplishment. Because on paper, I think you could make the argument that this SHOULDN’T work as well as it does, but to hear it, you can’t deny that this pairing of talents has created one of the most unique moments on MAD and a wonderfully well-executed track that is completely captivating to listen to. Do I think everyone out there will ‘get it’ or feel the same way that I do about it? Hopefully they’ll at least acknowledge what’s actually being said and understand that’s different than the definition of accessibility…there’s an award-worthy performance being put in here from the music to the microphone, but it’s still audible art that would challenge the ears of the masses when it comes right down to it. Many people out there need something they can simply sing along with, that’s reality and this isn’t that…but if we’re talking about real art in music, this is a BIG win.
I feel like I enjoyed “EL CURADELO” much in the same way that I enjoyed “RIO MANZANARES” earlier on. Tough to say it’s really going to stand out to most listeners, but still immensely satisfying on a spiritual level. These are tracks that’ll have your mind wandering as you listen, and float you down the river of wherever it is your brain chooses to take ya…which is A-OK with me. Again, it’s not gonna be the kind of track that the masses tend to gravitate towards and songs like “EL CURADELO” will likely have to battle for their fair share of the attention a record like this will get in comparison to the majority of the songs on MAD…but hopefully people out there will connect with this in some way, shape, or form. For you audiophiles like me, I don’t think you’ll have any issues whatsoever in finding something you like or love about “EL CURADELO” – in fact, I think many of you will find it’s one of the more mellow & beautifully serene songs on the whole record – but as for the rest of ya…those that need words & such…sure, I can imagine you might get a bit more restless when it comes to songs like this one. Tough titties, as they say – I think most of us listening to t dot est on purpose are here for the art and the celebration of creativity.
What’s actually quite amazing considering how much talent that this record possesses, is that t dot est found a way to include ALL of the guest stars on the final track “CONDUCIENDO A TARIFA,” yet it’s still only 4:04 like every other song on the album. How you go about accomplishing that, I do not know, but it’s an impressive achievement. I’ll also take any excuse to hear the voice of La Bermudez again as well, so heck yeah, this final collaboration suits me just fine! I think there’s definitely an argument to be made that “CONDUCIENDO A TARIFA” is amongst the more varied ideas and sounds you’ll hear within any song on this album, and probably to the point where its kaleidoscopic composition could very well be an obstacle that’ll challenge more than a few of you out there. Regardless, I’d once again point out that t dot est is clearly the kind of artist that is in it for the craft itself…to see what can be done in the art of making music and how far he can potentially push it into the ether while still bringing you along for the ride. A track like “CONDUCIENDO A TARIFA” will likely throw a few of you off, while simultaneously getting the rest of us to stand up and cheer for what becomes quite the riotously experimental ending. Is MAD better than what I experienced on MAGICICADA earlier on this year? I think that’s still a good question that’s best left unanswered…for now. Time will tell that tale in-full I guess…right now, I think I could confidently say there are definitely pieces of this album that I’d absolutely consider to be more memorable, and many songs that really do push the concepts of collaboration, art, and music forward. Plus…I still can’t get over how damn amazing “ATLAS AMARILLO” is and I know that I won’t for quite a while…that’s probably the most significant highlight for me on this particular record, but there is a plethora of reasons to keep listening to MAD from beginning to end, a wealth of talent that you don’t often get to experience on a record, and radiant ideas that show an artistic perspective unlike any other.
Find out more about t dot est at the official website at: https://tdotest.com
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