SV – “Trip On Me” Feat. Alyssa Jane

 SV – “Trip On Me” Feat. Alyssa Jane

SV – “Trip On Me” Feat. Alyssa Jane – Single Review

Hmmm…let’s see here…how about the verdict first?  This single’s pretty good!

I’ll be real with ya…it would have been tough to reach the magnitude of the previous collaboration between producer SV and singer Alyssa Jane on their single “Down To Zero” that we reviewed here on our pages back in March earlier this year, but they come pretty close with “Trip On Me.”  Really depends on how you look at it I suppose.

On the one hand, if you wanna talk about the flawlessness of the performance and production, there’s a whole lot of positives to relay.  Everything essentially works out in their favor…the mix is sparkling, the vocals from Alyssa are fantastic, there’s good sound selection, and an audible quality to this new single that speaks to their consistency in collaboration, and commitment to the high standards they’ve set.

Furthermore, if you wanna talk about relevance, there’s an argument to be made that “Trip On Me” leans even more towards what’s happening out there in scene right now – and obviously, that can be a huge factor in the success of any artist or collaboration.  You wanna supply something that the people wanna hear, and you wanna do that without feeling like you’re compromising your own vision – I feel like SV and Jane have no issues at all there either…”Trip On Me” feels like a song they wanted to make.

So all that stuff checks out for a solid win.  That being said, there are a couple things that can be true in just about everything we listen to.  I’ll fully admit that all this grey in my beard proves I’m way too old to catch even half of what Alyssa’s singing about, and I’ve spun my way through this song dozens of times at this point.  That doesn’t ever make a song bad in my opinion – I can think of hundreds of artists and bands that have made songs we all universally love without having a clue what the words really are.  We connect with melody beyond all things when it comes to music for the most part anyway.  All I’m saying is that if you’re out there looking for lyricism to be clear as day so that you can sing along with the music you’re listening to, “Trip On Me” is gonna challenge you in that department, but the good news is that you’ll get a lyric video to go along with its official release this Friday…so don’t panic.  If we’re talking about the hooks…I’d also probably tell ya that this single is a lot more even across the board.  As in, the song is the hook y’all…”Trip On Me” doesn’t really possess that moment that stands out from the rest, which can be a little problematic in the court of public opinion, generally speaking.  You wanna have that undeniable reason to return…and I don’t know that “Trip On Me” really has that, but if I’m being honest with ya, I don’t know that it really doesn’t either, you feel me?  It’s hard to argue against a song when everything you hear sounds as right & tight as this single does, even if the material might not be as blatantly memorable as this duo’s previous single was.  Bottom line is, the details are all present & accounted for; the performance is as professional as it gets…and you can’t ever ask for too much more than that as a listener.  “Trip On Me” is unique in how SV’s music is fairly low-key and steady, while being paired with what’s actually a highly energized and clever performance from Alyssa that contrasts the energy overall.  If you like its very first moments, you’ll be there to the very end because the consistency in this single is its best friend, even if it’s also potentially its worst enemy.

Ultimately, it’s a vibe, and one that’s communicated through a series of stylistic choices.  Whether or not that makes for the best choice as a single…time will tell the story on that, but they’ve still put themselves in the right position to gain the public’s approval through their combined professionalism.  Both SV and Alyssa commit to the moment, and anytime you’re doing that, you give a song its chance.  It was communicated to me that “Trip On Me” is an “R&B, Hip Hop, Trap, Alt Pop, 80s infused ballad of sorts” – and while that might seem like just about the broadest description of a song as you’re ever gonna read about, when you hear the serious versatility and diverse nature of this hybrid song’s shifting dynamics, you have to appreciate the fact that it’s a spot-on assessment of what you’ll hear.  I can hear every single one of those elements in “Trip On Me.”  Sure you could boil that down to one genre or two perhaps…probably Alt-Pop/Trap at the end of the day…it’s not like it’s any kind of bad thing to broaden the way we describe the music we make to give the potential listeners a better understanding of what they’re in for.  One of these days we’ll just make the word ‘hybrid’ a genre, and they can be that instead.

“Trip On Me” gets it official release this Friday on the 18th of August…until that magic moment arrives, find more music from SV at the official YouTube channel here:

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