Sunnysadness – “Intro (Mirrors)”

Sunnysadness – “Intro (Mirrors)” – Music Video Release/Review
Here’s a solid example of why you never wanna underestimate the intro yo!
Most artists out there would be more than happy to just call this a full-on track, but Sunnysadness is just getting started here with the “Intro (Mirrors).” The lead-single from an upcoming record with a release date unknown at this point; if I was in this project and this was the quality I was pumping out, you best believe I’d be inspired to keep that momentum & creativity flowing…so I’m assuming the new Sunnysadness album can’t be all that far away. Let’s hope not – I’m seriously digging this single/video – “Intro (Mirrors)” is doing all the right things that a great single and intro SHOULD be doing; I’m stoked to check out what comes next from Sunnysadness because this whole thang is enticing & an excellent first impression/gateway into this project’s music. You can hear right from the drop that there’s thought, emotion, passion, and a genuine artistic vision at work here…listen to the incredible texture to the vocals and the way they move through this song with such wisdom & honesty in the tone, attitude, and approach. Almost like the voice that has seen it all…the weary traveler still determined to continue on.
Expertly filmed & edited by G&G Ent. – you can see a trend & distinct pattern in the videos that Sunnysadness puts out, with remarkable & stunning drone footage complementing the music he makes. In the case of “Intro (Mirrors)” and the pensive, thought-provoking nature of the chilled-out, emotional melancholy of the vibe…the faded-out scenes and imagery really allow your mind to relax and wander right into the words being spit into the mic and genuinely consider all of what’s being said. Such impressive character in this emcee’s voice! Above all things – I have a feeling that’s likely to be what connects with people the most. As excellent as the music is with the guitars, piano, bass, and beat working so cleverly together in the swirl of sound & atmosphere that clings to your bones – it’s the realness of Sunnysadness on the mic that sends the chill running fully down your spine. He’s written impressive lyrics that are personally revealing & insightful, objective & expressive – he’s diving deep into his thoughts and unafraid to bring the true emotion of what he’s feeling straight up to the surface. He sounds as vulnerable as he does powerful and in control – a lot of the thoughts & lyrics he spits into the mic are heavy ones…but the sheer fact that he’s willing to spit’em out in the first place implies that he’s got a firm grip on his own situation & circumstances…that he’s ready to deal with whatever comes next.
And hopefully what’s next is that album he’s working on! For real – the entire vibe of “Intro (Mirrors)” completely works; it’s compelling to listen to and features an emcee/artist that clearly has perspective. There’s authenticity and uniqueness here…the kind you can’t help but recognize; even after this one experience I feel like Sunnysadness has such an immaculately fresh & identifiable style I could pick his music out of a playlist blindfolded, just by hearing his voice alone. That my friends…is impressive.
So let Sunnysadness give you a solid lesson on how to make an intro make an impact…this single serves a purpose and delivers on its potential – I’m absolutely stoked to hear more from this artist out of Illinois and welcome this kind of creativity, innovation, and collaboration between music & art to flow through my speakers and screens any time. You should too.
Find out more about Sunnysadness from the official sites below!
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