Stuart Pearson – “The Devil Whammy”

Stuart Pearson – “The Devil Whammy” – Single Review
BOO YA! Just like that, Stuart Pearson’s got himself another irresistible hit with “The Devil Whammy.”
When I was introduced to Stuart’s music earlier this year through his album Mojave, it became pretty damn clear pretty damn quickly that he’s the kind of artist that has absolutely no problems at all committing to whatever it is he sets his mind to. You know what I mean? He’s the kind of guy that doesn’t hold back and gives everything he’s got to whatever he’s working on. I love that about this guy. Mojave was filled with a wealth of creative twists and turns, and it’d only be right to expect that aspect of his craft is only going to get stronger as he dives further into his career & the art of makin’ music.
And so here we are…the first offering from his upcoming album called American Gothic, called “The Devil Whammy.” A late-night freakout jam for you ghastly ghouls, Pearson’s latest single is built on his wild personality and ability to perform without reservations – it’s a cut that’s bound to get folks excited about his upcoming record & the Halloween season ahead. There’s no doubt that it’s got a theatrical aspect to it…like, in all honesty, “The Devil Whammy” ain’t all that far removed from what you might find in a musical of some sort, and I’d imagine with its dance-move instructions in its lyricism & all its enthusiastic hand-claps & whatnot, chances are Stuart’s gonna be in for a plethora of fairly justified Rocky Horror Picture Show comparisons. I’m so naturally resistant to being told how or when to dance, it’s like I was born with an impenetrable force-field around me…but I don’t begrudge anyone out there that would hear a track like this one and decide it’s time to throw down on the dance-floor – have at’er! I am more than positive that is exactly what Stuart intended in creating “The Devil Whammy” and from the addictive bounce it has within its dank-ass rhythm & flow, I’m sure it’ll get many of ya up outta yer seats to boogie and/or woogie, respectively. I might not be the dancing type myself, now or ever, but I can certainly acknowledge the kind of sound it would take to get the people moving, and “The Devil Whammy” is indeed full of that dark magic. This is a pagan party song for you to get your Satan shimmy on…an anti-christ anthem to turn up on your ride down to hell…an underground hit, of approximately six feet…a lusciously Luciferian line dance you corrupted cowboys & corroded cowgirls can enjoy. As the legendary Missy Elliot would say herself – “get your freak on” y’all…and fuck, be proud of who you are whilst you’re doin’ that!
I would say that Stuart’s actually done a lot with a little here…and ultimately, he should be commended for it. There’s an argument to be made that “The Devil Whammy” is fairly reliant on a lot of what’s been tried in several forms throughout music’s history in terms of its rumble & roll, its piano accents to the melody, its dance freakout style & sound…lots of this is familiar to us for sure, but that doesn’t make this single any less potent or outright exceptional when you consider the execution. This circles back around to what I was tellin’ ya before about the commitment and conviction Pearson brings to his material – it makes ALL the difference, especially in a track like “The Devil Whammy.” He’s got his personality leading the way, followed closely behind by the clever cadence of his words and the vocal rhythm he’s employed to make this track seriously move ya. The rest is all great – spectacularly well played really – but it all ends up in a very secondary role. Like, I love the bass in this song, I freakin’ love the guitars too, and the synth moments in this track are highly necessary to its success…everything from the drums to the piano, it all fits snugly into this devilish delight, but nothing will quite compare to the evilly gleeful performance that Stuart brings to the vocals, you feel me? It’s a genuine case where he’s done all the right things and added all the right pieces into the puzzle, and even with all that attention to detail, it’s still the man himself that we can’t take our ears off of. Ain’t nothing wrong with that of course, it’s just a case of it is what it is…the way I see it, as long as you give folks a reason of some kind to tune in, you’re in great shape. Pearson gives you plenty in “The Devil Whammy” – it’s just a matter of what you hone in on as you listen. Chances are it’s gonna be the main star of the show that hooks you in, but you’ll end up realizing there’s a whole lot more workin’ in this song’s favor from its Jerry Lee Lewis inspired piano bursts, to the malevolent sounds floating through the background, to the devilish effects that Stuart uses in parts of his vocals as well…it’s a low-end heavy groove for sure, but it’s definitely one that pulls its weight. I guarantee he’s got the hit for this Halloween y’all…I’m almost surprised to find this track coming my way in August, here in the summer, but I’d imagine it’ll remain fresh in everyone’s mind as we shift into the fall of 2023, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear this song playing out there loud & proud in the graveyards scattered throughout the neighborhood for the ol’ seasonal Samhain ahead when it gets its official release.
In fact, I’ve got it on good authority that “The Devil Whammy” will be goin’ global with a French version being sung by Isa Pill of Les Manteez guest-starring on a separate version that’ll arrive in time for Halloween this year…so stay tuned for that. Between that and Pearson’s upcoming American Gothic record, he’s far from done with the devilish delights he’s got planned for 2023.
Find out more about Stuart Pearson from his official site at:
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