Steven Hees – “Long Way From Here”

Steven Hees – “Long Way From Here” – Single Review
I’m honestly not sure if we’re listening to a set of sweet lyrics, or if we just happen to be interrupting Canadian-based artist Steven Hees while dreaming aloud about his up & coming tour plans, audibly mapping it out for us through the gentle vocals & melody on his new single “Long Way From Here.”
I’ll tell ya this much…maybe you have to live here in this nation somewhere to know what it sounds like, given that it kinda defies description & all…but long before I’d looked up a single social-media page or heard the first location named in Steven’s latest song, I could have told ya he was one of ours for sure. Don’t know what else to tell ya other than, if you live here, you’d get it…there’s a quintessentially Canadian vibe that runs through this single’s adventurous spirit. For the rest of you out there, you can definitely absorb a bit of classic Canadiana as Hees jumps into the van and heads out onto the road on “Long Way From Here,” naming cities by name, practically daring himself to venture out further than he ever has before, explore the beauty of our country, while also getting in front of new audiences nation-wide along the way. Can’t say I blame him at all. After moving the studio out east to Ontario from where I lived for years in BC – I’ve had the opportunity to step foot in several provinces; each has their own unique vibe for sure…we’re absolutely as diverse as we claim to be. In many ways, through the lyrics he’s written, the imagery, and the warm, comforting acoustic-based sound he’s got goin’ on here, you get the opportunity to close your eyes, lay back, relax, and experience Canada through the eyes of Steven Hees like you’re a tourist or passenger along for the road trip he’s taking throughout this song.
For the most-part, you’ll find that Steven’s got a very natural, honest, & humble sound to his voice; and a quaint, pleasant, and polite, inoffensive Indie-Folk-style tune that celebrates memories of the past, memories of the future to come, and of course, highlights of the landscape, people, and geography in the words as well. I mean…Steven…I’m not saying 100% that you’re playing right into the stereotypes of how the world tends to see us fine people here in Canada…but…actually…hmm…actually, yeah – that’s pretty much what I’m saying here – sorry, scratch that last part. It’d be more than cool with me if Steven became one of our proud Canadian musical ambassadors as far as I’m concerned – I might be part of that whole new-age thinking of ‘we’re all just, like, global citizens, man’ – if I’m being entirely truthful with ya, a lot of what Hees is singing about on “Long Way From Here” are exactly the things that make me proud of our beautiful country. Artists like this that can express their love for the land, the people, and in such an accurate, insightful, and melodic way…also make me very proud of what Canada has to offer the world. Facts are facts – Steven Hees has written himself an authentically sweet tune.
Thankfully, he’s chosen to share it with us all! Not QUITE yet mind you, we’re ahead of the game here right now – but it WILL be out & available for your own road trip across Canada this summer. The official release date for Steven Hees’ “Long Way From Here” is scheduled for June 21st – and it don’t really get any more summertime than putting it out on the very first day of the season, now does it? He’s got a gorgeously uplifting vibe working in his favor all throughout his new single that just makes you wanna jump in the car for a road trip & drive…somewhere…anywhere…and as he’s ultimately reminding us along the way, in Canada, no matter where you turn or where you end up, you can’t lose.
Lastly…is it JUST ME – or does this Steven completely remind you of one of our most famous Steven’s whenever he sings “Saskatoon” at one of the most pivotal points of the melody along the way? I’m talking about Steven Page…Steven Hees sounds just like the guy when he sings that city’s name, I swear. Certainly more than okay in my books, he’s one of my favorites from here, there, or anywhere for that matter – Page has an incredibly melodic and stunning voice…so as far as Hees goes, in that moment specifically, he’s keeping very good company in comparison. The rest of it outside of that, is remarkably quite all him…I liked that Hees has a ton of his own identity leading the way on the surface of this song…he’s got quite the charming personality & song here all-around, and I think a lot of people out there will adore this tune.
Find out more about Steven Hees at Facebook here:
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