South$ide Smoove – “Five Star Frog Splash”

It literally does not get any Smoover than this!
And did he just say what I think he said?
“Hard dick put you in a wheelchair?” I heard this correctly, yes?
In just two-minutes & forty-five seconds, believe me when I tell ya, South$ide Smoove has put in so many incredible lines into his bars that I could easily fill up a whole page with quotes from his latest cut, no problem. And trust me when I say, I WANT TO…and I probably SHOULD…the man’s words are much better than mine are…but on the other hand, I know this is the kind of single you really gotta experience for yourself, you feel me? This guy has one of those X-factor personalities that, once you see the video & hear the new song “Five Star Frog Splash” for yourself, you instantly wonder how on earth the music of South$ide Smoove could have possibly escaped you up til now. No worries if you haven’t, there’s still plenty of time to hop aboard this train, & he’s got a lonnnng career ahead of him. One way or the other, people gotta know about what this dude is capable of, ‘cause he’s puttin’ on a verbal clinic in this cut right here. Whether you know the man’s music by now or you’re just catching a ride on the bandwagon as of today like we are, there’s no doubt whatsoever that the approach of South$ide Smoove is gonna make an impact on ya. From the speakers to the screen, this dude has got it all completely locked down.
Yaaaaaaaaa! You got yourself a taste now don’t ya? It takes mere seconds for the music to make an impression on ya…produced by Mitch Shaffer, who’s “got love for everybody” according to legend – so put a checkmark in the win column there, the dynamic beat of “Five Star Frog Splash” stands out for all the right reasons instantly. As you slide on into the thirty-second mark & South$ide Smoove starts commandin’ the words to come out, it takes no time at all to hear the straight-up genius at work here. Rapping with speed & complexity, stringing words together like he could do this all damn day, errrryday…and I am not gonna lie to ya folks, what South$ide Smoove is putting through the mic is no small accomplishment, this man is kicking all the ass verbally, and he literally makes it seem effortless.
Combined with the matching intensity of the way the video is shot & moves onscreen, this whole single is as bulletproof as it gets, full-stop. Credit to the man Joey Bedfid Harrison – he CRUSHED the making of this video and makes these studio shots look absolutely killer; from the look itself to the way it all moves & gets spliced together, this is straight off the top-shelf y’all – I’m genuinely stunned by this cut. Again, I’m not here to pull punches, and you know me to tell ya how it really is – so take it to the bank & cash it, I’m tellin’ ya that South$ide Smoove has easily got one of the best single/video combos I’ve seen this year with “Five Star Frog Splash.” I think the song is amazing to begin with, and quite honestly, the video is SO DAMN GOOD that I’m having a tough time saying I’m not enjoying that even MORE!
YES, I’m SHOUTING – whatever, I’m EXCITED; if you’ve watched & listened, you know damn well why.
No joke, South$ide Smoove should win an award, some hardware, some somethin’ for this effort – it’s just phenomenally well-executed from start to finish. Visually & audibly, it’s aces all-around – the kind of cut so strong that I can’t even entertain the idea of someone out there coming to a different conclusion than I have here. “Five Star Frog Splash” is the anthem – you can cancel the rest of 2020 and come back next year, cause South$ide Smoove has proven he’s got this one wrapped up like a jimmy hat. Everything I’ve experienced, seen, and heard, tells me this man was born to entertain – so don’t make no excuses – click play, turn this UP…and let the man do what he does so well. South$ide Smoove has got a genuine gift for explicitness & sayin’ things exactly how he wants to say’em, unapologetically, and with tremendous talent & charisma radiatin’ through the m-i-c, he puts every bit of it to work on this new joint.
Listen to more music by South$ide Smoove & find out more about him at:
Find out more about Joey Harrison here:
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