Soda Cracker Jesus – “Drug My Soul”

Soda Cracker Jesus – “Drug My Soul” – Single Review
“Stumbling down the rabbit hole…” #Accurate!
Let’s be real here – when have I not been absolutely willing to follow an artist or band right down that blissfully warped rabbit hole? If you’re looking to do things differently than the rest out there and embrace the weirdness, the wildness, and the bizarre side of sound, chances are you’ve got my attention. Case in-point, this magnificent little oddity I’ve got right here on my playlist today, called “Drug My Soul,” by none other than the ONE and ONLY Soda Cracker Jesus that I am currently aware of.
C’mon now y’all – this is the kind of creativity & serious fun you wanna find out there on the fringes of this beautifully strange music-scene we all know & love. You can’t listen to a dude like Soda Cracker Jesus and not admire just how INTO IT this man genuinely is…and yes, that applies to both what you’ll hear in this single, and certainly in what you’ll see as well in his latest video supporting “Drug My Soul.”
As far as I’ve read & learned, Regan Lane, the mastermind behind the music of Soda Cracker Jesus and sole member of this solo project, has been out there crushin’ it throughout the northwest for some time now…somewhere around the ol’ Tacoma area, and throughout my home-away-from-home in Seattle. Further than that of course if you count tours & online stuff…Regan’s music has traveled quite the distance I’m sure over the years he’s put in already, not only as Soda Cracker Jesus, but also as the “frontman/ringmaster for Psych-rockers Strangely Alright and their Eclectic Traveling Minstrel Magic Music Medicine Show” as well, in addition to other bands he played in over the course of his career. You dig a little bit more, and believe me, you’ll find all the details stack up to support a solid theory that good ol’ Soda Cracker Jesus is quite the man of music – this dude’s an integral part of the scene overall. From mentoring new musicians behind the scenes, to producing records for the upcoming future stars of tomorrow, to the past work he’s done with his own shows, music, writing, live performances & more – I ain’t gonna lie to ya, I thought I was working pretty damn hard up until I ran across this guy’s resume! It’s truly inspiring to read about just how much Regan has accomplished already – and of course it’s equally inspiring to listen to a track like “Drug My Soul,” watch this wildly psychedelic video that comes along with it, and sit here comfortably in the knowledge of knowing he’s still got so much more in the tank to contribute over these next years to come. There’s a ton of artists & bands out there that should be taking a listen & a look at this for what it genuinely is – this is what it’s like to throw yourself entirely into the art & right into the moment, just let go, and embrace the craft for everything it has to offer ya.
While it’s really, really easy to get swept up in the personality & character of this guy and his many accomplishments to-date, there’s no mistaking the fact the man can PLAY as well y’all! According to what I’ve read, everything you’ll hear on “Drug My Soul” was played & sung by Soda Cracker Jesus on his own, and considering how complete, full, and all-around badass this cut is, give this solo artist the credit he’s due for rocking out at the same sonic capacity as an entire band by himself. What I really loved in that regard is that you can’t hear any discernable weaknesses…SCJ holds his own competently & capably on all the instruments he’s jammin’ on, and comes out with a stellar balance all-around to be found on “Drug My Soul.” YES it’s likely still gonna be his personality that always makes the biggest impact on us – he’s clearly a born entertainer – but make no mistake, you can completely tell he’s got an authentic gift for making music and the courage to use his art in all kinds of expressive & innovative ways. With “Drug My Soul,” he was specifically seeking out a sort of like…Mod-style cool…music that feeds off of the energetic side of Post-Punk without becoming full-on Glam…the kind of sound that proudly beams out a massively shiny & sparkling vibe that’s as colorful as it is catchy. Not all that far removed from the kind of vibes a band like Stone Temple Pilots started to explore on their Tiny Music record. Close to parts of it, anyhow. There’s equal dose of flair & finesse to be found here, I suppose that’s what I’m tellin’ ya – and I’d imagine a ton of you out there will highly dig on what Soda Cracker Jesus has come up with here, because the honest facts are that this is extremely entertaining from sight to sound. Mission accomplished as far as his objective was concerned – he was looking to generate a certain style of sound, he’s conquered that with confidence & undeniable artistic integrity – and he’s definitely taken us all right down the rabbit hole with him when you factor in the brilliant use of colors & effects in the video superbly directed by Cedric J. I’m more than game to follow this guy wherever his most zany ideas & wild imagination wanna take us – “Drug My Soul” is every bit the trip you’d hope to find, and an adventurous ride well worth your time in taking. As exciting as it is gripping – Soda Cracker Jesus knows full-well what he’s doing, and reveals himself to be the consummate entertainer that knows how to execute at an all-star level from your speakers to your screens, and make a lasting impression on everyone that checks out what he does. “Drug My Soul” is all the proof you’d need to know that’s the truth – but don’t let that stop ya from checking out more.
Find out more about Soda Cracker Jesus at his official pages below!
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