SHE IS CHAOS – “Margarita”

SHE IS CHAOS – “Margarita” – Music Video Post
All the way from Croatia to our Canadian-based pages on the internet, beaming straight into your homes from the screens of YouTube, we’ve got SHE IS CHAOS in the mix for ya today with the video for their brand-new single “Margarita.” Killer stuff! Visually, this is completely stunning and shot cleverly in classic black & white to give it an even greater sense of gritty mystery to it. In what seems like a play on the ol’ spy games & assassination attempts, SHE IS CHAOS has constructed a compelling idea to go along with a high-quality song. From the slow-burning intensity in your speakers, to the gripping way that the visuals are displayed onscreen in the video, SHE IS CHAOS has created clever entertainment that’s fully engaging for all the right reasons. The Vedder-esque hint of Grunge in lead-singer Dino Pitoski’s vocals is perfect – I love the way the whole band & the song sparks to life around him as the second minute of “Margarita” surges forward…SHE IS CHAOS finds that next-level you wanna hear in a great single. Who will survive this affair, that’s the real question…and to be truthful, with its Sopranos-like ending, you might only end up with a theory of what happens in the final frames of “Margarita.” This much I know for sure…SHE IS CHAOS put together a genuinely thought-provoking video that’s cinematic onscreen and has a kickass soundtrack along with it…and it’d be real tough to complain about a combination like that. You won’t find me doing that – I dig what I see, I dig what I hear, and I’m every bit as confident that you’ll feel the same when you check out “Margarita” for yourselves – make sure to click that video below, and see what this band from Croatia is bringing to the music-scene with their brand-new single.
Find out more about SHE IS CHAOS from their page at Instagram here:
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