ShawnDonSg – “Keep Moving”

Putting the handles on display on the court and verbally on the mic, hip-hop artist ShawnDonSg has created a sincere & motivational cut with a smooth vibe that’s real easy to get right into on his latest single “Keep Moving.” From the streets to the studio, ShawnDonSg takes you for a trip through a day in the life & reminds us what’s important along the way…that there’s much more to our lives than being defined by the daily grind. Solid music, inspiring rhymes, dig the basketball court & studio shots in the video – ShawnDonSg makes this moment work & explains in great details & imagery in his words that if we all “Keep Moving,” we’ll all get to where we wanna go. Check out his latest single/video below!
Find more music from ShawnDonSg at his official channel at YouTube here:
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