Shakara Monique – “SOBER” Feat. Trey Jones

Shakara Monique – “SOBER” Feat. Trey Jones – Single Review
Well folks…if there’s anything to the trail of evidence we end up leaving online throughout the course of living in a creative world, and the past informs the present, it’s safe to say you’ll probably be hearing a lot from singer/songwriter Shakara Monique over these next months to follow. If you have a look into her channel at YouTube, you’ll see she’s been posting in waves for the past eleven years, consistently providin’ ya with entertainment of all kinds from music to acting to vlog posts & whatnot – in fact, the only year I can see where she didn’t post anything up on this particular channel was four years ago. Chances are, she was busy workin’ the magic at her main website or on her podcast called Nothing Else To Do…but don’t get me wrong, we’re all allowed to take a lil’ time off here and there – the overall point is that for eleven years, she’s consistently been putting out great content of all kinds. When you get a minute or two, you should definitely check out this beautiful lady’s cover of Adele’s cover of The Cure’s “Lovesong” – Shakara does an excellent job on that & you’ll find a couple versions of it on her channel, one from eight years ago, and one posted up just within this last week. She’s a talented lady, no doubt about that, and she’s been entertaining folks for much longer than she’s been posting online. Her new single “SOBER” featuring Trey Jones is full proof that all the time she’s put into her craft throughout the years has prepared her to surge into her prime, and that she’s thriving in her career harder than ever over this past 365…you’ll see and hear that she’s been seriously active online over this last year or so.
So…yeah! I mean, once you realize she’s no stranger to the business of entertainment, it’s really not too much of a surprise to find out that she definitely knows her way around a song, you feel me? I clicked on “SOBER” and I was more than impressed…the vibe is right, the music is tight, Shakara’s vocals are spot-on, and she enlisted the perfect support in having Trey Jones co-write and sing this song with her. It’s a clear cut case of everything being in the right place where you wanna find it, with the production of Ahmad Hanif Afnan Rahmad giving “SOBER” the finishing touches in the studio lab to give this single the sparkle & shine you’ll hear, and a stellar storyline video directed by Twon Dosa to support it online. Like I was saying, she’s a veteran of entertainment at this point in her career and she knows what she’s doing. What I particularly liked more than anything else was how memorable the hooks in “SOBER” are – she’ll have you singing along quickly with the chorus before that first spin is even finished, and chances are, you’ll remember this cut long after it’s all finished. Which we all know is a real good thing – that’s what keeps you coming back for another listen…and another…and another…you get it. “SOBER” is undoubtedly quality R&B/Soul with a classic touch that’s still plenty relevant for today, and there are people all over the world continually craving that genre on a daily basis. Thematically speaking, she’s definitely got a song that listeners will connect with…you have a glass or two, you start pulling out the phone to send a few messages and see who’s awake and out there…maybe you should, maybe you shouldn’t – I ain’t here to judge that – but we’ve all been there in some way, shape, or form. I’ll admit, there’s a bit of a risk in a song like “SOBER” in that you don’t wanna be promoting the idea of anyone out there taking advantage of someone in a state they shouldn’t be…but I didn’t get the sense that was what was really happening here. I always think it’s a good thing when an artist writes lyrics you’ll have to think about and consider the meaning of…if it’s polarizing, or thought-provoking…lean into that & don’t be afraid to say what you wanna say however you wanna say it – that’s what gets the people talking about what you create. In my opinion, Shakara is writing more about those fun, tipsy moments where you’re still completely in charge of your faculties and simply looking to turn a good time into a great one – no harm & no foul in doing that…and like I was saying, 99% of you out there can relate, so let’s be real here y’all.
I think where Shakara made an excellent choice is in going full-video to support “SOBER” – that way you get a dose of the multiple dynamics she brings to the entertainment world through both her acting and her work as a musical artist too. She’s got an exceptional voice that sounded perfectly suited for a song like this and sincere in every note she sings, and I felt like Trey was an excellent pairing that complemented the vibe she was going for flawlessly as well. No stones unturned here, Shakara’s got a strong song & a highly memorable one at that, the right guest-star to make the magic happen, and a great video to go along with her new single “SOBER” that visually echoes the content’s main concepts. You can’t ask for more out of an artist than doing everything the right way. Shakara’s given “SOBER” everything it needs to succeed out there online from sight to sound, and find a home on your playlists for those nights where you wanna turn the lights down low…this is that soundtrack for those times with your special someone whether it’s for the moment, or a lifetime to follow – cheers to that!
Make sure to check out Shakara Monique’s official website at:
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