Shadowfields – “Never Again”

Shadowfields – “Never Again” – Single Review
So…okay…let’s be clear right from the drop here…both the main vocalists on this tune can certainly sing, there’s no doubt about that. Heather Humphrey has an excellent voice…you’ve got her longtime songwriting partner Tom McKeown providing a solid second-half; let’s just say that the Shadowfields definitely have multiple options and access points for listeners when it comes to what’s up on the mic.
That being said…it’s always interesting to hear how one artist can inspire another – and I felt like there’s a real strong case for that to be made when it comes to “Never Again.” What I mean essentially, is this – both these vocalist have decent moments on their own, but shine brighter than ever when together. I like the writing, I like the instrumentation from the piano to the banjo to the violin…drums are in-line, bass along with it…there’s a lot of really great aspects to this single and the music of Shadowfields that have genuine appeal & lots for listeners to dig into. Like I said, let’s be clear, lots going in their favor.
The main concern I suppose right now would be consistency…and they’ve got all the right talent & skill to get to where they want to go & they’ve experience a great amount of success already in the past. So ultimately, I’m not really TOO concerned…Shadowfields will continue to grow & refine itself over time & experience and I believe their best years are still ahead of them – these are all good things. The core duo of Heather & Tom trace back all the way to 2006 if I’ve got the story correct here. Familiarity can be a great thing in a band for sure…the comforting vibes that come through the sparkling melody of the chorus & harmonies of “Never Again” speak loudly on behalf of just how well they can work together. It can also be a costly thing in the sense that, the better you know someone, sometimes in certain moods or circumstances, it can be much tougher to call someone out on a performance when you respect them so much, which is totally natural & understandable…but it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done. After twelve-plus years of playing together, they likely fully know when they’re getting the maximum out of their own skill & potential – which again, to be entirely crystal-clear, they’ve got more than plenty of.
Cause I’m not saying they’re not good – they are – but they prove they can be spectacular the longer this song plays on, revealing more power, punch, and personality in their vocals as they share the moment between them, as opposed to any of their individual moments. Even when it comes to the bulk of the chorus being sung alternately between them in that call & answer style we all know & love in a duet, they’ve locked into that energy & special uniqueness they share between them by that point, after surging forward in the pre-chorus beforehand. “Never Again” reveals more strength in what you’ll love about the music of Shadowfields as it plays on…that’s the key here…is sticking with it and knowing that this single gets to where you’ll hope from the very beginning it’ll get to. All I’m sayin’ is trust me, by the time you look up, you’ll be at the highlight apex of the song’s finale around the 3:20 mark & loving the bright, colorful sound in the music & harmonies that come along with it…Shadowfields continually keep you hooked as you listen to this song, because it audibly continues to get better from beginning to end. Does that mean I think they could have gotten 10% more out of themselves when it comes to the lead parts? I don’t think it – I know it…like I’ve been tellin’ ya, they’ll prove it to you themselves by how well they nail the chorus with powerful, emboldened melody, fantastically beautiful tones, & a unified-vibe. At that point on “Never Again” – this band shows they have all the right pieces to the puzzle when it comes right down to it. Sometimes it just takes a lil’ bit of discussion, some back & forth, and an objective approach to what’s working and what could be improved is all. Bottom line is, when you’ve got a talented crew like Shadowfields have, you can take comfort in the fact that you know they’ll get to where they want to go with their music. In the meantime, they’re still gonna have plenty of highlight moments for you to enjoy & experience, just like you’ll find throughout “Never Again.” I’ve got full faith in this band finding their way…they’ve written a solid tune and they’ve put in a performance that both reveals & still hints at what they’re capable of. I’m onboard, but I’m greedy (as many of you know) – I like what they’ve given us here, but I know they’ve got more inside’em still…it’ll definitely be interesting to check in on Shadowfields over the years to follow and watch & listen to this band continue to rise up.
The new single “Never Again” by Shadowfields comes from their latest record called Festival For One – find out more about’em at their official website here:
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