Seth Balestrieri – “Our Song (Boston Strong)”

Seth Balestrieri – “Our Song (Boston Strong)” – Single Review
I often get a little antsy when I realize that my first introduction to an artist or band’s music is tied to a cause or awareness campaign…largely for two reasons. One being that I’m a crusty, old & bitter version of the beautiful butterfly I once might have been…and for the second (much more real) reason…I can find it very hard to separate the support for the music as opposed to support for the cause. I’ve seen many instances in the past where musicians have literally no clue if they’re worth their weight in salt just due to the endless amount of packed bars & clubs they play to filled with supporters of whatever that cause might be that would be there whether or not the music was any good.
So…like I was saying…I’m cautious, I’m crusty – yes these things are true; but I don’t in fact have the heart of stone I like to often pretend I have. Hearing that Seth Balestrieri was about to release a new single called “Our Song (Boston Strong)” upcoming on July 15th…my mind immediately jumped to the conclusion that this would most likely deal with the bombing that happened at the Boston Marathon in 2013. I could play local-news-guy for you for a moment here and go on and on about the amount of CURRENT articles being posted up on the subject, sentencing & judgements being handed out…but the POINT in mentioning this simply, or providing a laundry-list for you to read would all serve the same purpose – to point out that yes, this happened in 2013…and that YES, people are STILL affected by it and likely for many, many years to come.
Truly…it’s ALWAYS a benefit to have musicians speaking their minds. Many people have asked me how I’ve known the things I’ve known throughout my entire life…well – I know anything I know at all thanks to music and the knowledge and emotional impact those artists and bands have given me in listening. Seth Balestrieri seems to be made of that similar, strong fibre of an artist unafraid to speak out for change, awareness and lead the way through educating the public and soothing the soul through music.
“Our Song (Boston Strong)” is a truly impressive composition. Combining sweet acoustic guitars with strings shining brightly beside it…the moment that Seth begins to sing, I personally had chills. America in particular…probably needs an internal healing more than most countries right now; I can’t help but smile in hearing an artist like Seth conquering his role with such confidence and giving nature. “Our Song (Boston Strong)” is an incredible song…truly – similar to the incredible pop/rock atmospheres you can find in Snow Patrol’s work, the emotion comes through sparklingly genuine through Seth’s music and voice. Coming from a place of peace & love…hope…I think that the purpose behind Balestrieri’s new single is one to be admired and it’s written in such a way that everyone can relate to it and find some relief through his lyrics and melody.
There are people in this world that don’t believe in celebrity-platforms or musical-soapboxes to speak of…yet so many of us all look up to these pop-cultural icons for direction and guidance. I believe strongly that musicians like Seth are the very fabric of what makes music great…not only does he sing with real style, heart and emotion…he has something important TO SAY. And you know we’ve said that a million times here on our pages…if you’re going to make it, you’ve gotta have something TO PROVE or something TO SAY. Seth brings out the message of peace beautifully through “Our Song (Boston Strong)” in a warm, inviting way that really goes a long way to provide a little relief and revitalization of the soul. Definitely a memorable melody and thoroughly well-written & superbly executed song – Seth Balestrieri gets a huge salute from me for putting himself out there on the frontlines of music to help lead us all into a peace.
Find out more and connect to Seth through his official page at: and have a look/listen at one of his previous tunes below while we wait on the official release of “Our Song (Boston Strong)” on July 15th, 2015!
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