Selma Mariudottir – “For As Long As You Live On” Featuring Josiah Ruff

Selma Mariudottir – “For As Long As You Live On” Featuring Josiah Ruff – Single Review
While it’s fairly certain to say that the new single from Icelandic songwriter Selma Mariudottir probably isn’t going to be the happiest tune you’ll hear this year, there’s no doubt whatsoever that it’s still a beautiful experience. Of course, with the added advantage of the interpretive nature of music and how it speaks to us all on an individual level, it’ll really depend on how you hear these words that Selma has written, sung with such stunning emotion from singer Josiah Ruff…for some people out there, this might not be a sad song at all – in fact, Mariudottir might have just designed a song that’ll comfort people at a time when they truly need it most.
“For As Long As You Live On” is an excellent example of songwriting at its finest, most focused, and real. It’s no secret that the best songs we most often write are based upon personal experience, which is the case here on Selma’s “For As Long As You Live On,” which was inspired by a personal friend’s hard battle with cancer. With the subject of this song being so important and close to Selma’s heart, it’s more than clear she’s put in all the effort to tribute her friend with true respect through creating such an extraordinary & emotionally powerful single that is entirely unafraid to explore the real feelings & thoughts that would come along at such a significant moment in time. If you’ve been there, then you know – none of that situation is ever easy, not on the people going through it directly, not on the people surrounding them that love & support them, not even on the doctors trying to help – it’s tough on everyone. I know that, because I have been there…and I know that many of you have as well.
What’s remarkable about this song is how willing Selma is to take us into what’s truly real about this whole scenario. The imagery she’s written into her words is compelling to experience…she’s got a vibrant set of lyrics that will spark visual imagery in your mind as the song plays, so clear that it’s almost like feeling the emotions she was feeling herself at the time. I kept coming back to this one line…she writes, “I still return, to all that we’ve learned, to all we observed; memories playback in reverse” and just how humbly insightful & honest it is…we’re not really left with much of a choice in a situation like this other than to look back on the life & moments we’ve shared. As painful as it can be to accept the loss & heartbreak, it’s those memories that continue to live on long afterwards…and it’s in that sense that, when you truly hold someone dearly, you still think of them, probably daily even…and in a way, they’re never really gone because the memory still survives in the hearts of those that are still here. Selma’s written a beautifully sincere & very real song that deals with all of this & more…”For As Long As You Live On” is the kind of tribute from a friend that essentially immortalizes the impact of that person & that friendship they had together in music forever. Sad, maybe…but like I said, it’s quite beautiful too.
Real credit to Josiah Ruff as well – you couldn’t ask for more than what he’ll give to his performance on the vocals of this song…through the way he sings the words with such commitment & conviction, he brings the meaning & emotion in the lyrics straight to the surface with real grace, bold melody, and true beauty. With the stunning combination of exquisite music created by Mariudottir through the strings, cello, violin, and piano together…the entire atmosphere of “For As Long As You Live On” and the uplifting aura that surrounds it reveals clues as to how Selma truly feels about this song & situation as well. Like a great songwriter tends to do, she’s left you a breadcrumb trail to follow and kept a few pieces of this puzzle on the table for you to solve on your own; listen to the words, listen to the music – notice the balance between them and recognize that Selma’s done an extraordinary job of keeping it extremely real through her lyrics, while also audibly displaying an uplifting attitude in the music that shows the true love & respect that will always remain present. So it’s almost like, while she’s acknowledged what can & cannot be changed, there’s still a vibrant, fighting spirit, that radiates an empowering feeling in the air & atmosphere, allowing Josiah to really tap right into the heart of what “For As Long As You Live On” is all about & sing it with the tremendous confidence & spectacular tone he brings. It’s beautifully played, wonderfully well-sung, and brilliantly composed…not only is it a collaboration of talent that completely works perfectly together, it’s also a strong, powerful, and meaningful tribute to a true friend that Selma should be seriously proud of. It’s moments like these that make music more than just about another great song…it’s moments like this that make it an experience.
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