Samer Abou Hassan – “So Beautiful”

Samer Abou Hassan – “So Beautiful” – Music Video Release/Review
Step into the world of visionary artist Samer Abou Hassan through the stunning new combination of audio/visual on his latest single “So Beautiful.” Truly exceptional stuff! Samer is clearly just as talented in the video-making process as he is with his music, all leading to fantastic results onscreen & through the speakers on “So Beautiful” – he wrote the song, directed & edited the video as well…you gotta hand it to an ambitious artist like this that is clearly just as versatile in his skillset as he is capable of using it.
With music produced soundly by Sherby Productions and a self-made video that’s compelling and highly entertaining to watch in support of a great song, the friendly acoustics in the atmosphere and inviting tones of Samer’s vocals welcome you in to “So Beautiful.” Reflecting on nostalgia and the inspiration he finds in life itself, the animated video for “So Beautiful” mirrors the words onscreen with solid imagery that add visual depth to the meaning in the lyrics. A song genuinely designed to celebrate what’s good, great & amazing in our lives – the uplifting vibe of this single continues to build, letting the beat take hold just past the 1:15 mark, giving you a taste of the sweetness to come as the song evolves further. The electric guitar solo coming in with the electro-beat further into the song was an unexpected surprise and perfect fit, yet Samer still saves the a lot of the best of this tune for the last energetic burst of audible serenity and final chorus run through to keep you listening right to the end of the song.
Personally, I find artists like Samer Abou Hassan truly inspiring. To look at a creation onscreen like “So Beautiful” and to be able to sit back in his chair knowing he’s been invested & involved in everything we see & hear would be so entirely rewarding…because in the combination of the two elements, it ends up becoming art on a whole different level. That’s satisfying for the soul! And really, at the end of the day – isn’t that really what this tune is all about? Not obviously the specific act of splicing video-edits and a song together – but the very idea of how life becomes “So Beautiful” when all things work out as they truly should…recognizing that sense of wonder and accomplishment while breathing in the air of inspiration and savoring the moments that make life incredible. “So Beautiful,” it most sincerely is.
And if you’re anything at all like me and as addicted to animation as I am, you’re going to love seeing the video Samer’s created to support the sweetness of this song. I honestly can’t even begin to imagine the amount of dedication & hours it would take to create something like this from the ground up – the attention to detail is absolutely excellent. I love it when you can see things like the bushes moving in the background and a lot of the colors, filters and choices made in the editing keep “So Beautiful” looking like a cartoon dream come to life onscreen…it’s really quite something to watch.
But perhaps what’s most impressive is the humble results of the combination together. It’s undoubtedly extremely tough to create, assemble and edit…but at the same time, Samer has kept the scenes themselves simple & straightforward, allowing us to get right into these onscreen moments and feel that emotion translate between what we see and what we hear. Again, half of me is fascinated by the fact that it’s all created by just one obviously very multi-talented dude…but I also think that the results speak for themselves – “So Beautiful” is an incredibly inviting song to listen to and the video puts a gorgeously animated look to the words that truly echoes the sentiments & intentions of the lyrics onscreen. It’s positively uplifting & inspiring visually & audibly – great job all around.
Find more music from Samer Abou Hassan at his official YouTube channel here:
Find out more about Samer Abou Hassan at his Facebook page at:
Find more music from Samer Abou Hassan at the official Soundcloud page at:
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