Ron Wellesley – Soundcloud Singles

Ron Wellesley – Soundcloud Singles Review
Alright…so we’re checking out a handful of singles from one incredibly active hip-hop artist out there in the music-scene right now that releases new music every Wednesday. LOVE that kind of commitment and enthusiasm for music, no matter what genre – that alone makes me want to support what Ron Wellesley is up to; at the very least it’s about the most positive a first-impression can be without even hearing a thing. I’ve got my hands on one of the latest called “Babble On” along with two others from the quickly-expanding catalog of tunes from Wellesley called “At Night” and “Housewives.”
Let it be known to anyone out there that ever tries to write one of these things…do it for REAL…you gotta actually listen to the music, to the words…and to ALL of it…or else you could potentially be caught with your pants down and talkin’ out your ass – know what I mean? Say I was to begin by only listening to “Babble On” and not have heard the other two tracks for example…the song still has a hip-hop vibe, but the lyrics and rhymes come out more like spoken-word & free-flowing thoughts in the delivery. Definitely not that there’s anything wrong with that…personally I’m a big fan of the spoken-word genre in all forms…but again, that further listening into what Ron creates reveals a style that’s much more dedicated to hip-hop overall. I like the atmosphere and jazzy-nature of the music that leads into the vocals as “Babble On” begins…the first vocal-hook was a bit hard to get my mind around…the hazy delivery on it and stretching of the words makes for an initial trip to listen to. After that, you get the solid flow of poetry on the mic…no matter where the subject takes him – Wellesley puts passion into the words and clearly has a real gift with structure, assembly & composition. The lines he’s created on these bars really highlights his ability to combine complexity with clarity…both in the thoughts he expresses and in the sounds we hear. It was a unique start and different than what I feel like I was expecting somehow…but a solid first experience with Ron’s music; I appreciate a real wordsmith like this.
Lyrics stay in the spotlight throughout what I hear, along with the smooth flow that Ron consistently finds for his words. “At Night” also changes up the style slightly into a more rhythmic-flow that also uses auto-tune on the vocals to assist in creating the melody you hear…because that’s what actually happens when you use it RIGHT. At least when you’re going towards the robotic-side of the auto-tune’s settings…nearly everyone uses it in some way, but when you add the metallic sound to the tone, you can really use it effectively to add depth in the melody of the song, which Ron does exceptionally well here on “At Night.” The song moves slowly…the production is solid with the low-end swells really tight in the track, perfectly mixed in…it’s got a chill vibe to the music & rap where the energy between them complement each other strongly.
The real payoff came at the end though – I thought the final track I was checking out, called “Housewives” was the best of the bunch. They all have their own merit for sure – but c’mon! DAT FLOW! You gotta love the way that Ron rolls through the verse of “Housewives” – because that’s pure skill. What I find most impressive is that he never seems to shy away from the challenge of bringing complexity into the lyricism and structure of the words whereas many emcees out there would simplify their words or be repetitive with what they say…and I think that’s one of the strongest aspects of what Ron brings to the table…it’s always something new and he doesn’t really rely on traditional hooks to get him by. Each of these songs have presented a real moment of time through their own perspective…and the hooks are the songs themselves, as a whole. “Housewives” has another great beat & vibe to the atmosphere that kind of swells & sways in & out as you listen, creating a chilled-out environment for Wellesley to smoothly rhyme over – and he glides with swag & style to his stride in what I felt like was one of the more complex verses he’s created.
Bottom line is that there’s an art to what he’s creating…and I think that rings true on any of these cuts. Depending on the mood you’re in, you might enjoy one more than the others, but at the same time it really seems like Ron Wellesley has created something that’s bound to connect with everyone out there at some point. Especially if he continues at the rapid-pace of putting out new music each & every week!
Find out more about Ron Wellesley at his official Twitter page:
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