ROCKOKO – “Mutual Love”

ROCKOKO – “Mutual Love” – Single Review
This is quite possibly the easiest song to like or love that I’ve heard this year. Like for some of you perhaps – definitely love for me – this single by Ukrane-based ROCKOKO is just about everything I wanna hear on repeat until the very end of my days here on earth! What an absolutely extraordinary single!
While there is evidence on the timestamp of the video at YouTube that’ll reveal “Mutual Love” traces all the way back to 2018, as I understand it, this single is getting its official international release this upcoming October 1st – and rightly so! If you’re asking me personally, I’d tell ya there’s not a person in the world that should miss out on this experience…I’m not speaking in hyperbole, I’m tellin’ ya the truth! You know I always hope in my heart of hearts that you’ll take me at my word – but just in case I haven’t already proven my honesty to ya throughout my many years here, or in the event that you doubt me somehow – check out “Mutual Love” below for yourself and witness what is without question one of the most charming & exquisite songs & videos you’ll see & hear this year – this is as beautiful as it truly gets.
As far as I’ve learned, ROCKOKO is comprised of the talents of violinist Mykhailo Romanyshyn, and cellists Igor Protsyk & Volodymyr Kotliarov. For this particular single, they’re joined by Ivan Andreyko on the bass and Anton Yaslinsky on drums – and when all combined together, it’s clear that they’re capable of creating pure magic with their incredible skills & impeccable craft. To listen to “Mutual Love” is genuinely a revelation in what gorgeous truly sounds like…every note & tone you’ll hear is filled with such an outstanding level of evocative sound designed to head straight for the heartstrings…quite honestly, depending on who you are and how much sleep you’ve had recently, don’t be surprised if the power of the emotion in the music of ROCKOKO causes you to shed a tear or two – keep your Kleenex handy! The depth in this instrumental single is spectacular – you’ll find it’s got the perfect mix of real joy and wonder, curiosity and playfulness, classic grace and sparkling beauty…it’s not JUST extremely well-played & brilliantly crafted – it’s an authentically spellbinding single that captures the true essence of what makes emotion in music connect to our mind, body, and soul, as one. While I tend to focus more on the music in the reviews I write, the visually stunning video they’ve got put together to support “Mutual Love” is also right up there with the very best I’ve seen this year, if not within my entire LIFE! How could anyone NOT love this song & video? You’d have to have a heart made of cold granite stone to resist the charm of this melody, or the endearing scenes cleverly interconnected onscreen through a cinematic storyline that gives you a perfect visual definition of “Mutual Love” to accompany the song. I’ve heard and seen many great things over the course of this year and my time on earth to-date – and let me assure ya, what I’m seeing & hearing in “Mutual Love” – and what ROCKOKO is capable of overall together as a band – is breathtakingly special to the nth degree. There’s a higher understanding of what makes melody connect within ROCKOKO, and perhaps more importantly, there’s a willingness to use that remarkable knowledge and share it through their gifted instrumentation with the world – I’ve got almost no words that I could write that could ever do this experience as much justice as it deserves. Like I said – I’ve seen & heard a lot of amazing things – but this…THIS…is right up there with the most memorable – I will never forget the very first time I got to witness the beauty of “Mutual Love,” ever. There are songs we’re lucky enough to hear in this lifetime that resonate so strongly with us, that we know instantly they’ll be a part of our lives forevermore – and “Mutual Love” is that song for me. I’m beyond impressed, on every possible level – I am floored by how graceful, delicate, classy, and bold their music can be, and I’m in awe of the insightful video they’ve got supporting this single. I ain’t gonna lie to ya – I recommended the Kleenex as a direct result of my own firsthand experience; I put on “Mutual Love” and was instantly captivated by both the music and the story taking place onscreen…the longer I watched, the more I was invested in each character & what they were all going through…and by the time I arrived at the end, I was pretty much covered in tears. Happy tears, but still enough to have warranted wearing a raincoat on the inside of the studio over here all the same – I was WET by the end – I’m not ashamed to admit it whatsoever – in fact, in my world, it’s a testament to the power of music. ROCKOKO is more than capable of moving you through the insightful & endearing melodies they create, and if “Mutual Love” is an example of what we can expect from this incredible band, they’ve got a future ahead of them like no other – there’s not a doubt in my mind that you’ll all love this song & video every bit as much as I have. ROCKOKO makes melody universal, prioritizes sensational musicianship, and clearly has an inherent talent for creating music that is the audible definition of superb & sensory sound.
Find out more about ROCKOKO at their official website at:
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