Rob Alexander – “Get Over Yourself” Feat. Gigi Worth

Rob Alexander – “Get Over Yourself” Feat. Gigi Worth – Single Review
I tell ya…sometimes you see some artwork for a song or an album & you get a real sense of what the artist or band was driving at. In this case, Rob Alexander is certainly giving you the quiet parts out loud in the picture that comes along with his new single “Get Over Yourself” featuring Gigi Worth – they’re clearly taking on our modern-day society filled with snapshots of selfies and that shiny Instagram livin.’ And rightly so! I mean…I’m not saying this concept hasn’t come through my speakers before and I’m definitely not saying this will be the last time either – but what I am definitely saying is that as a species, we can really stand to benefit from the occasional humbling every once in a while, know what I mean? Everything that glitters ain’t always gold, as they say…yet if you live in the online realm, you’d swear that it was. “Get Over Yourself” is a solid reminder that there’s a lot more to life than that next post you were just about to make, and quite probably a lot more important things goin’ on around the world. As a person that proudly posts into the void of the internet each and every day, I can absolutely confirm this is true. This whole site is just one of billions of voices posting something online all the time trying to somehow compete for your attention and affection…and if I hadn’t gotten over myself many years ago now, I’d be one extremely sad little man consistently frustrated by the challenge of swimming upstream.
That being said, I’m far from beautiful – I look like a bridge troll, and I’ve got the face for online work. So to be completely fair to all you selfie-snappers, if I was as “really really really ridiculously good looking” as Zoolander, maybe I’d need the extra encouragement to get over myself from a single such as this too.
Anyhow. Catchy stuff! Beyond the meanings of the song’s lyricism and the intentions of its target, both Rob and Gigi have put in a pretty noteworthy performance into “Get Over Yourself.” As to where the heck ya put it genre-wise or on what playlist of yours…honestly, who knows…this single could end up in a whole variety of places because it’s basically on the fringe of just about everything. I think it’s fair to say you can assume Rob’s an experienced part of the music scene that likely has many years under his belt as an artist – if only for the fact that you know no young buck would be out there writing this song for the theme it contains. How can you write songs when you’re too busy holding your phone up and checking to see if you’ve got the perfect angle as you influence the next generation to be just like YOU?
Y’all know what I mean though…he’s clearly got the chops and the know-how, and he’s tapped into a crossover sound that is bound to find success in many areas out there. You can hear from the way that he sings that he’s definitely got a solid voice and that he knows how to get the best outta himself. As for Gigi, the same applies. While she’s part of the whole great reveal in terms of how she stays hidden in this single until around the 1:25 mark, she makes an instant impact through her professionalism and remarkable vocals the moment that she shows up in the lead. As far as the main hooks of the chorus & harmonies are concerned, I guarantee you’ll have no problem at all quickly singing along with “Get Over Yourself” – it’s the kind of vibe that immediately makes an impression on the ol’ brainwaves…it’s highly memorable, and dammit, it’s FUN. Don’t get it twisted & don’t get me wrong, there’s a serious lesson to be learned at the core of this tune too…but shhhhhh…don’t tell the youngins out there, or they’ll run away screaming at the thought of learning something in the process of being entertained! “Get Over Yourself” is very much about dropping the ego at the door, the recognition that we’re all special in our own way & that not everything we’re ever gonna do needs its own separate posting or announcement.
You say you’ve still got reservations about listening after all these good things I’ve told ya? Too close to home? Too fragile to take the plunge? “Get Over Yourself” and listen anyway! It’ll be a real moment of measurable growth for you that you can be proud of…and of course, content for you to Instagram later.
Find out more about Rob Alexander from this multi-link right here:
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