Ricardo Redd – “Goodbye To Dating Apps”

Ricardo Redd – “Goodbye To Dating Apps” – Single Review
Full transparency, I saw the title for this tune and felt like the odds were gonna be stacked against it. I’m just one step removed from still having a flip phone y’all…I’ve had an iphone since they came out way back when, and I’ve basically never used any of’em for anything other than occasionally making an actual phone call, ever. So like…yeah…apps? I think I’ve got one…maybe like, two if you count the maps app? Does that qualify? You get the point – I’ve got the gifts of technology right there in the palm of my hand, and yet somehow I’ve managed to stay stuck comfortably in the stone age. Plus, I’ve been married for fifteen years too…you get the idea – I couldn’t even tell ya what a dating app even looks like.
The question then becomes, is Ricardo Redd THAT good at what he does that he’d be able to make me care about what’s essentially gonna be a subject & theme that I really can’t even relate to at all in the slightest? To be real with ya, that’s just about the most massive test that any songwriter can ever go through, and it’s not one that even some of the best of the best would have an easy time passing. Can you write a song that’s going to appeal to people beyond their own interests? It’s probably not nearly as easy as anyone outside the singer/songwriter realm would realize. Like I always tell ya on these pages of ours though…we all gotta write about something, right? So why not a song about dating apps? I know I ain’t denying the relevance of a theme like this song has…just because it might not apply to me personally doesn’t mean I can’t recognize the massive audience that WOULD relate to a song like this. Ricardo’s workin’ with what we call one of them crossover ideas and vibes y’all…and in all honesty, he’s really found the right sound and approach to use it – “Goodbye To Dating Apps” was surprisingly great!
While there’s definitely a performer’s sound at the core of this & a clearly theatrical element to a song like “Goodbye To Dating Apps” – these aren’t actually the dominant trait. This single is still much more rooted in the brightness of Pop when it comes right down to it, though notably it continues to add in even more dimensions to its sound through soulful R&B and even some Hip-Hop bars in the mix for ya too. To me, Redd would be most comparable to an artist like Mika more-so than any other if I’m basing my opinion on a track like “Goodbye To Dating Apps” – and especially when you factor in what a great singer Ricardo truly is & hear how he conquers such a range with his extraordinary vocals. Thanks to his performance, you get a song that genuinely takes you through an emotionally-inspired journey that reaches the highest of highs, takes a bold look at the lows that brought him to say “Goodbye To Dating Apps,” and yet somehow provides us listeners with a whole lot of fun to be had in the process too. None of that is easy y’all…I get the sense that Redd is a genuine chameleon that could find a whole lot of success in this music business, pretty much within any style or sound that he could choose to rock with. In any event, Mika’s no easy act to follow either…dude’s a tremendously versatile talent, and in that respect, Ricardo Redd is keeping mighty good company with a comparison to an artist that technically skilled and notably awesome. Whether he’s always been this good and was just waiting for the right moment where preparation meets opportunity, or it’s the result of enlisting a heavy hitter like the ace producer Eddy Beethoven Nuñez who has been nominated for multiple Latin Grammy-Awards – or both – what’s undeniable and audibly apparent to every single one of us listening, is that this song completely works from start to finish. I’d be mighty inclined to put “Goodbye To Dating Apps” up there with some of the biggest surprises you’re likely going to find this year on your playlists – Ricardo is a sensational talent without a doubt, but the song itself is probably so much better than you’d assume by its title. “I’m telling you straight-up with no cap” – “Goodbye To Dating Apps” was a genuinely excellent all the way through – the structure, style, and sound all hit the mark perfectly, the passionate vocals of Redd reveal a true superstar in the making…I have the feeling we’re all gonna be talking about this guy in a matter of just a few years as he surges straight into his prime. His lyrics are insightful, his rhythm and flow is radiantly colorful & catchy beyond words, and his hooks land sharply, guaranteed to keep you listening intently to this masterfully well-designed single here. From the looks of things online, Ricardo has been making a significant push with his career over this last 365 or so…and from the sounds of things on a single like “Goodbye To Dating Apps,” he’s got many years ahead of him in a lifelong career. Success is destined to reach an artist with the kind of skills and sound that Ricardo Redd has y’all – you read it directly in-print right here – this guy’s going to be a smash hit with listeners all around the globe.
Find out more about Ricardo Redd from his page at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamricardoredd
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