Rhythm Affair – “Boulder Highway Hooker”

Let’s put it this way…there are definitely some songs that are a whole lot more literal than others. Sometimes a title will reveal to ya exactly what a song is about, and this would be one of those! Rhythm Affair comes to us from the mix of glamour, glitz, and seedy underbelly of the Las Vegas scene; they’ve got a new single called “Boulder Highway Hooker” that works a classic style of rock/rhythm vibes, while also boasting a “millennial blues musical feel” at the same time. Proving once again that you just never know what you’ll find at these pages of ours, that everybody out there’s gotta write about something, and that the blues is always in style somewhere out there – they roll through this new cut with ease & slide on into a groove that true fans of the genre from Elvis on-forward are sure to dig on. Have a look at & a listen to their latest single/video for “Boulder Highway Hooker” below!
Find out more about Rhythm Affair at their official Facebook page right here: https://www.facebook.com/Deonrhythmaffair
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