RGT – “Here To Stay” Feat. Kayrae & Rittz

RGT – “Here To Stay” Feat. Kayrae & Rittz – Single Review
Well this works! I’m honestly not sure if I’ve heard a song that’s any easier to like this year than this is.
Fantastic energy in this collaboration between Electro-music producer RGT, singer Kayrae, and rapper Rittz to be found on this single “Here To Stay” – it’s a genuine case of each aspect of this track raising the stakes from the moment you start listening to the time that you finish. So heck yeah – I’m all about songs like that, aren’t we all? The steady hand of RGT starts this out with instantly enticing vibes and a melodic depth to the EDM you’ll hear, giving this new cut the opportunity to expand, blossom & bloom. You’re then met with the sensational sound of Kayrae’s vocals, who delivers a knockout part of her own to the song & supplies the main hooks for “Here To Stay” on the microphone. As IF things needed to get any better after that already, this collaborative effort hits you with even MORE firepower in the mix, with Rittz as the anchor to bring this single home and lock it down tighter-than-tight, rappin’ the finale.
Honestly – ain’t this what you WANT in a great single? I’m not sure that I could pin down the main strength of “Here To Stay” if I tried for years & years – and I mean that in the best possible way. I’m talkin’ about a true balance of strengths straight across the board shared between these three, that continuously complements each other and what they bring to this song as individuals. Thanks to their efforts, the inspiration starts a chain reaction that ends up getting the best out of each & every one of these artists – and they leave you genuinely stunned by this all-star performance without a doubt. Is it the pure perfection of the music itself that impresses you most? Is it the vivacious & lively vocals of Kayrae and the spectacular highlights of her melodic energy? Is it the straight-up top-shelf bars built stronger than steel and the way Rittz crushes every syllable like he owns the whole dictionary? Your favorite element of “Here To Stay” could theoretically be ANY of these things, but chances are it’s much better than that – it’s ALL of them combined, you feel me? You couldn’t ask for more out of a collaboration as far as my ears are concerned…this is as professional as professional gets, and equally entertaining to the nth degree. Every time I’m convinced that it’s the unbreakable bars that Rittz puts into the finale of this cut & the combination of rhythm, swagger, and speed he brings to “Here To Stay” that ends up being my favorite part of this song, I come back to the perfectly executed hooks and the emotional depth of Kayrae’s vocals and I’m convinced THAT has to be the real highlight…and then I circle back around to the fact that, were it not for the incredible beat & vibe RGT put together as tightly as he has, none of this would have even existed as all for everyone to thrive as hard as they are – so who wins? I’ll tell ya directly…because the answer becomes extremely apparent within a couple of spins – WE win…we’re the winners as listeners when entertainment comes out at such a premier level, where every single hand involved helps steer a song to a string of successes like you’ll here on “Here To Stay.”
Impressed don’t even say half of how I feel about this track – it’s flawless perfection, that’s what you’re hearing when you listen to “Here To Stay” – the kind of cut that’s going to be seriously hard for any of these three artists to top, even though they’re the complete reason this comes out as well as it does. Sometimes music is very much about that one incredible moment in time, where everything snapped together into the right place and all the pieces of the puzzle made the picture vividly crystal clear. What these three achieved on “Here To Stay” is as rare as it is special, and every bit the summer song you’ve been searching for this year. Turn this UP as loud as your system will take it, you won’t be disappointed.
Find out more about RGT at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rgtoff
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