rgb – “Moon Cheese”

Wait a minute…did he just slip in “Basil Pesto Shrimp with Risotto” into this cut? #Yes #YesThatsExactlyWhatYouHeardYo
Turn up for this – “what the fuck you waitin’ on!?!”
Just about the polar opposite of the video we posted up last night here on our pages, we’re heading back into the woods & beyond for a much sweeter trip here at our pages this morning. After chewin’ a few shrooms and settin’ himself up for good times ahead, this mellowed-out artist rgb sounds & seems pretty damn grounded & peaceful when it comes right down to it – “Moon Cheese” is stocked full of inviting & welcoming vibes that people out there will surely dig on. Dude should be massively proud of what he’s accomplished on this single & video; not only is “Moon Cheese” assuredly going to be one of the easiest tracks to enjoy that you’re gonna hear in 2021, but on a visual level, rgb has used everything that was already around him (or that he could be driven towards) in the cleverest of ways. The effects, colors, and smart use of chops, edits, speed & timing…I mean…to look at & to listen to “Moon Cheese,” comes with an automatic respect for & acknowledgement of all the effort you can clearly see & hear has been put into this from start to finish. While this whole experience has been…let’s say, enhanced via the sweetness of psychedelics & stellar production…what becomes perhaps more impressive than anything else is just what a smooth, fluid, and comfortable performance rgb puts in here – it’s the true sound of natural melody & soulful rhythm at work. YES “Moon Cheese” will absolutely fit in with what’s relevant & happening out there in music right now – but its not trying to win you over with a bunch of flashy bs that won’t hold up – no; the inherent coolness in this cut comes directly from how incredibly well suited rgb is for a vibe like this from the main hooks & bars to the background, with all the highly addictive effects you wanna hear in between. Make no mistake y’all – there’s a dedicated artist at work here no matter how much he’s trippin’ out – and if rgb continues to keep puttin’ in the quality work from the speakers to the screens like he is with “Moon Cheese” – the man’s got himself a verifiable future in music well worth fighting for. With respect to that – pay particularly close attention to the very final scenes of this video & the words you’ll see appearing onscreen, and you’ll see everything I’m claiming here is more than true – rgb is fully down to earth with his heart & passions in all the right places, and he’s ready to make a difference on the frontlines of change as he climbs his way to the tops of the charts at the very same time.
Listen to music by rgb at his official page at Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6dPTjMbZSRJhoUUt453nB8
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