Renée Ruth – “We Are One”

Renée Ruth – “We Are One” – Single Review
It’s always tough to complain about positivity, and I’m not feeling all that inclined to be the guy to try.
Sometimes things are what they are, you know what I mean? Renée’s got a really good song on her hands here with “We Are One” and I feel like that’s apparent from the very first spin you put into it. From the epic nature of the music, to the flawless, bold, and radiantly sincere performance she adds in through her vocals, “We Are One” feels majestic & magical…to the point where I can’t really imagine the people out there would have a hard time connecting to a song like this whatsoever. Essentially, “We Are One” speaks completely for itself & needs little to no words at all from some hack like me to support it. I suppose that’s the very definition of universal vibes, ain’t it? And considering we’re talking about a track that’s fully based on the concepts of unity & positivity…universal would probably be right where Renée was aiming for. So congratulations my friend, I’d say the mission has been entirely accomplished in that regard! From concept to execution, everything about this song is 100% seamless & professional.
All that good stuff being said…I’ll be honest with ya – I don’t know that we’re completely outta the woods just yet…but don’t get tense, I ain’t about to start complaining. I guess my main question about a song like “We Are One,” is where the heck do you put it? I’m not disputing the fact that there will certainly be more than a few folks out there that would have no problem at all puttin’ this on the ol’ mix-tape and jamming it loud & proud – but I am saying it’s not really that kind of typical tune, or even a typical single in that regard. If you want my honest opinion, I’d tell ya that Renée actually has a dedicated live tune here, more so than a recorded hit – make sense? I don’t know how much she gets out there on stage, but a song like “We Are One” is guaranteed to be a show-stopper in all the right ways. Whether it’s through her own live shows, or incorporated into some kind of musical – or perhaps even better still, performed onstage at one of them good ol’ groundbreaking opportunities like you find on America’s Got Talent – to me, it’s places like these that “We Are One” will resonate the strongest for sure. It’s mesmerizing, enchanting, graceful, and stunning all at once – and that’s pretty much the perfect mix you wanna find when you see someone performing live. It’s not that it doesn’t completely translate here into a recorded version so much as you can hear the immense potential it has for the stage, you feel me? She’s got a genuine performer’s style & sound to match – something you can also hear in the way she takes on a well-known single like Radiohead’s “Creep” incidentally, which is featured on the same EP that “We Are One” is found…the Renée Ruth EP that was released back in late January.
So it’s one of those bizarre kind of things…I have no doubt whatsoever about whether or not an artist like Renée could find her corner of success in the music industry, it’s just a matter of where she finds it. I think she sounds fantastic, I think she’s clearly professional beyond words, and I can recognize the sheer magnitude of potential she’s got working in her favor to reach the hearts and minds out there. My gut tells me that she’s going to make that impact through getting out there onstage more-so than she might on a recording…and on the bright-side of the scenario, that’s where careers are genuinely solidified in the scene these days. The stage is bigger than we think too; sure it’s great to get out there into a venue, and I do believe that’ll be where Renée is best received – but the stage also includes the internet, which last I checked, is open around the clock, 24/7. The force is strong with this one though y’all…don’t get my words twisted, I think Renée is destined for success when it comes right down to it. I’d be taking a hard look at writing for films & television too if I was her…I think she’s got a real knack for creating immersive music that could brilliantly enhance visual moments onscreen as a soundtrack, like what we hear on her track “Here To Stay” from the Renée Ruth EP, or indeed on “We Are One” as well.
Lots of positives for Renée as she surges into the next chapter of her career – the talent is entirely there, present & accounted for – now it’s just about finding the right avenue to get her music heard by everyone, and that can take some time & experimentation. The bottom line is, she’s got the kind of connection to music that money can’t buy, the kind of immaculate voice you can’t help but notice, and the level of heart & passion that leads to success…so no matter where she goes from here, no matter what she tries next, every step she takes is bound to continue to lead her to the spotlight she deserves.
Find out more about Renée Ruth from her main website at:
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